From Ginger Alexander: Team Trademark Update

Hey Yall!

Ginger & JackI cannot tell you how much your continued support means to everyone at Team Trademark!  It has been unbelievable.  I just wanted to update everyone!  We are still filming and things are going great!  The new show is still unnamed but we will let you all know the details the moment we get them.  I just want to ask everyone to please continue to make your comments on under the “Flip This House” page (you can search for it on the homepage). This is where we are getting the word across with the most emphasis!  All of the networks look here so it is where support is needed the most! 

Ya’ll have been awesome, we honestly have been speechless–which is hard for all of us–over the kindness and loyalty from each of you.  We plan to repay you with lots of great entertainment in January! 

Many of you have been to the Crab House or by our office, but I would like to make sure everyone knows to please stop by the office and say hello if you are ever in Charleston, it means the world to us when you do! 

Thank you all so much and we will continue to send updates as we have them! See you soon!

PS. Jack is doing great and actually listens to me now for those of you who are wondering! 🙂

180 Comments on “From Ginger Alexander: Team Trademark Update”

  1. […] via Flip This Lawsuit: I cannot tell you how much your continued support means to everyone at Team Trademark! It has been unbelievable. I just wanted to update everyone! We are still filming and things are going great! The new show is still unnamed but we will let you all know the details the moment we get them. I just want to ask everyone to please continue to make your comments on under the “Flip This House” page (you can search for it on the homepage). This is where we are getting the word across with the most emphasis! All of the networks look here so it is where support is needed the most! […]

  2. TJ Brundwick, Ga. says:

    I learned about your delima from my Daughter who works with a woman who met you all this past week at the Crab House. I had wondered where you all were- shame on the A&E dummies who hired those posers to take your places- I miss the real show- I will be going to TLC with you guys! I am disabled and basically home bound, and you all were one bright spot in my week!!
    I loved the episode where the guys were waiting for the buglars in the truck all night! What a southern thing to do- it was a hoot, even though I wasn’t sure about the beer and the guns- but it was the funniest thing I had seen all month, and I began watching the show regularly, thinking that nobody with that much red-neck arrogance could last long- but you all fooled me. Ha ha- Ginger, you saved the show, lmao!
    I love the show, and am planning a trip to the Crab House as soon as I am able- and I will be able! Hide and watch!
    Bless all of you! TJ

  3. Ron Baumhover says:

    Hey all you Trademark folks!! We all miss you guys, and you’re going to have a huge fan base for your new show. I stopped watching A& E’s ripoff after the first episode, and like most folks, won’t be going back there!!

    Come January, we’re going to be all a lot happier with you all back.
    Ginger, Jack, Richard, Dawn, you all Rock!!!

  4. Barbara Laughon says:

    We do miss you, guys! January has never looked so good!

  5. Kim says:

    Looking forward to having you back, better than ever!

  6. Scott says:

    I can’t tell you how thrilled I am you all are coming back in January!!! I was utterly depressed when I tuned in for the new season on A&E and found those vulgar, classless houligans posing as y’all. I SO looked forward to every episode–and T-vo them all, watch them 2 or 3 times. I love the creativity and caliber of your work–no matter the budget–and have garnered immeasurable knowledge and ideas from you. YOU ARE MISSED!!!

  7. Rob Pritts says:

    I thought you left us. As a veiwer I am so happy you and your team will be back!!!

  8. Kevin Adams says:


    My bichon, Frodo (aka, Mr. Fluffems) has been asking where Jack was, now I know why! My wife and I will NOT watch the A&E show without Trademark in it. We look forward to seeing Trademark in January.

  9. Santrago says:

    Good luck with the lawsuit and BTW Ginger is hot.

  10. MountainFolk! says:

    Hi There My Favorite Gang of Southerners!!

    We watched the first bit of intro of the “FTH” knock off! “Flipped The Channel” when we realized you weren’t there! You all have a unique way of making us feel as though we’re part of your team! We would even make comments of “Wonder what we’ll be “flipping” this week?” Have laughed over and over about Richard’s comments on Nebraska and wondered who from Nebraska ticked him off! Have been watching the Trademark team reruns and waiting for January to roll around! Watching Property Ladder, we often remark, “Now, Richard and his crew would know better than that!!!!” See you in January! We’re “flipped” out over the wait–but, it’s worth it!

  11. Nina says:

    Flip this house is now flip the channel. I live in San Antonio and the Montolongo Goup is not what represents San Antonio. This show is awful. I will no longer watch it until u guys come back. Good luck.

  12. sner says:

    if you didn’t already hate the new San Antonio Cast of Flip This House, just read this article from the San Antonio Newspaper’s business section. Armondo is such a d-bag and a loser, anyone who would buy a house from him and his cheesy ass company is a loser too!

    Here’s an excerpt from the article by Rachel Stone Express-News Business Writer

    ” The scrappiness that makes them successful in business seems to be carrying over into show business. Armando, who is the main protagonist, says the Montelongo cast is much better than the South Carolina-based cast from season one.

    “Everybody thinks Richard is a badass,” Montelongo said of season one’s Richard C. Davis. “They haven’t seen badass yet.”

    And while last season’s Ginger Alexander “is OK in her own right,” Montelongo says, “our wives are such knockouts.”

    Link to the article:

  13. Nancy Seufert says:

    Hey all,
    A&E have not taken down the A&E BB discussion board I say start bombarding every BB that we are able with comments about the New FLOP and make them take down the whole web-site.

  14. JD says:

    It’s difficult to keep interest in the show with the new cast. Trademark personalities is what made the show…without it, it is just another lame reality tv show. I was wondering why I didn’t see Richard and the crew on the new shows. In fact, it sparked my interest enough to search the web to find out why. Now that I know, I’ll not be wasting my time with A&E’s ripoff and will wait for the new show to air on TLC…Good luck with the lawsuit and keep up the good work!

  15. Becky says:

    Trademark is the best, my husband and I used to look forward to the show. Now it sucks. Throwing toilet water and hiring hoochie hooker look-a-likes? Plain dumb. Come back soon!

  16. Randy says:

    What a shame the network messed up such a successful formula. I look foreward to your new season and new channel to give you what is proper and viewers what they have come to enjoy! Much success to all of the REAL Flip This House gang, and all the behind the scenes Trademark and television people!!

  17. andra says:


    I hadn’t even realized that they had done a switcheroo on the cast until the marathon this weekend. See, I have gotten myself into the real estate “flipping” business myself and I LOVED the Trademark Team! (I can’t believe they replaced the team with that annoying team from San Antonio!) I will most definitely move to what ever network y’all move to in January. Look forward to seeing you, Jack, Richard & the gang soon!

  18. Amy says:

    I am so happy that you guys will be back soon, I have been begging my husband to go to Charleston to meet yall. I’m a Georgia girl, so it it so nice to have the south representated! I love, love, love the show, my family looked forward to it every week and are anxiously awaiting January.

  19. Wow, You do have loyal fans, that’s great!
    I stopped by to let you know that from one woman to another, especially two women who work with difficult men, we have enough to worry about in our everyday lives to throw on a personal feud. I do understand why you might be upset. Being business people you do what it takes to survive, thrive really. Come on we’re entrepreneurs right?
    Who will work harder for our families then ourselves? Well I hope you get this message and realize that it’s nothing personal. When A&E contacted us we didn’t even know it was for “Flip This House” they just showed interest in our family since we’ve worked together for so long and have been successful at what we do. Yes we actually are real estate investors despite what some people say. Anyways, hope you and yours are well,
    take care, and maybe we’ll cross paths sometime in the future.

  20. […] Melina Montelongo (or someone posing as her) just posted a comment here on FlipThisLawsuit, and included the URL of her website.  It seems to be a really well done site, and seems to be geared to a part of her experience that we don’t see on Flip This House Season Two.  Those of you who are new or expecting mothers might want to check it out.  […]

  21. Susan says:

    Richard, Ginger, Kevin, Dawn, John, Vance, and Lori –
    Slap me if I’m forgetting anyone. You all are absolutely fantastic. I won’t parrot everyone’s opinion of the new ‘show’ (car wreck is more like it), suffice it to say ‘I agree, agree, and again I agree’. I now only watch A/E one hour each week – for reruns of YOUR show. I hate to give them that much but one can only go so long without seeing YOUR hilarious, laugh out loud show. Absolutely the best and January just can’t get here fast enough. More Kevin and Richard in a truck late at night (!), more Dawn scaring the big tough guys into submission, more anything Vance and his deli trays, and more Richard and Ginger going ballistic over paint colors. Once I see that, I’ll know that the world has righted itself!
    Go Team Trademark!

  22. tanya billington says:

    my huspand and i love richard davis flip this house the other ones are not good at all!!!! please bring it back!!!

  23. Andrea says:

    Dear Ginger and the Trademark crew: I’m so glad there are so many other disgruntled fans out there — you’ve got a built-in audience for your new show! My husband and I were repulsed by the way the San Antonio folks treated the women in their lives, animals, and their workers. I can’t believe A&E is endorsing this behavior! Your show was creative, funny, intelligent and instructional — you do excellent work and we can’t wait to watch you again. January can’t come soon enough. Thanks also to the gentleman who created this site!

  24. Nick says:

    Ok, here is my 2 cents; we all know Trademark Properties by far had a great first season and everyone was looking forward to a second season. While many people on the post are pro Trademark the new season (San Antonio) brings another view of Flip This House. While Trademark believes in putting their head down, working hard, and making sure their contractors are upholding to their end of the bargain. The Montolongo Groups believes in working hard and talking down to their contractors and making them feel like they are nothing. So we should all understand, there is a right way and a wrong way of doing business. Trademark pays for services, The Montolongo group wants people to do free work (i.e. photography and portraits), exploit them and they have nothing in return. Come on, posing in all black with sunglasses, and talking up their wives and such only shows one thing…inferiority complex and trying to out due the people who paved the way for them to be on A&E. Many people saw the Montolongo’s at the Parade of Homes, and had mentioned there was a presents of arrogance. Although I was not there and can not confirm their arrogance, but I would not doubt it by the way Mr. Montolongo treats people. I could not agree more with Andreas post of her being repulsed by their treatment of their wives and workers.

    We all know that if it isn’t for the contractors none of the flippers would be where they are today, I live by a golden rule. Especially with me being in sales, be respectful of those who make you shine on your way up, they may be the same people who you see on your way down.

    Work hard, do good by your employees and contractors and people will love you for you (Just like Trademark treats their employees and contractors)

    PS. How are the termites treating you Ginger? HaHa sorry I had to.

    Ughh see they want everything for FREE, national exposure is nice, but money brings food to the table. See below…

    Flip This House,” a national reality show on the A&E network, is currently in production in the San Antonio area. We’re casting for extras to be a part of a real estate auction. A sense of humor and a can-do attitude are a must. Looking for men and women from ages 21 and up.

    This is an unpaid, temporary position – lasting 1 day(September 6,2006 from 5pm to about 7pm) – but whoever we cast WILL be featured on national television.

    Must be able to provide your own transportation.

  25. Lisa&Daryl says:

    We are so happy to hear of the new and upcoming episodes. Our Sundays were a ritual to watch A&E for our favorite episodes. We lost the ritual when Trademark Properties was not on Flip This House.
    We will look forward to the new show in January. What a way to start a new year!

  26. Michelle says:

    To all at Trademark Properties, can’t wait till your new show airs, the replacements SUCK plain & simple.
    A & E should be ashamed of themselves for their treatment of you and for putting idiots on to replace you, they are trying to put on airs but they can’t even pull that off.Tried to watch once, never again!!!! I hope they have watched their shows and relize they treat people with no respect and to get ahead you should be greatful for all help that is good for you. Going down can be painful.
    Here’s to all of Richard’s great team, keep up the great work.

  27. Austin Sloan says:

    I can’t wait to see the show again. I have to wait until Jan. Oh well thats not too far off. No one can replace you guys at Trademark. A big hello from your Spokane, Washington fans. We support you 100 %.

  28. Sarah Phelps says:

    The difference between the Davis/Trademark FTH and the Montelongo FTH is night and day. The Charleston people and atmosphere are charming, personable and funny. Montelongo and crew appear crass, greasy, tacky and cheap. Four more years of the San Antonians on A&E? What a waste. Glad TLC has the intelligence and good sense to go with what works. See ya’ll in January.

  29. Shar says:

    I WANT RICHARD BACK! Plain and simple. When Trademark properties was on, I was GLUED to the T.V from start to finish, not I turn the channel quickly. It is a JOKE. They focus too much on the two ditzy women and NOT enough on actual home removations! These women have NO class, and being a Real Estate Broker/Flipper myself, I can’t believe some of the things I have seen. SO UNPROFESSIONAL! Ginger girl, I am from Summerville and I will stop into trademark to see ya’ll when I am in town! I can’t WAIT to see the show again!

  30. Ana says:

    I’m an avid watcher from Mexico City, I just found that you won’t be in the second season of the show. I won’t watch it. Is the Trademark crew who make this show worth. I will be looking for your new show, I’m sure the Discovery Channel will show it.

    Greetings from a Latin American fan.

  31. Linda Butler says:

    Hey Ya’ll,
    I just happened to surf to find anything about the “repeats” of your show. AMAZING! No, I haven’t cared for the Other Flip show..but have certainly enjoyed TRADEMARKS. Ginger, you look like my daughter. Our family have enjoyed watching you especially because we think of Courtney…my daughter.

    “Mr. Richard”, your humbleness and compassion and shows in the show and you have a “good people” working for you and I believe this is why you have been so blessed and successful in your business. Oh, by the way…GIVE GINGER A RAISE!

    I’m a Mississippi State College for Women & Ole Miss girl that taught school in North Carolina but I’ll admit that you guys in South Carolina have shown class and my family have enjoyed watching you guys on sunday afternoons in Memphis.

  32. mario says:

    I can’t bring myself to even try to compare these shows.the trademark team has such class and compassion that it simply makes you want to run out and do something positive for your community, as far as the other show it cannot last. It is not fit to even assume that anybody would deal with suchan arrogant and crass group. I can actually say that as a real estate investor I have treated all my subs as human beings. What would be interesting to see if one found themselves in a predicament to sell a house. Who would dwal with? Classy compassionate trademark gang or those chulos.

  33. Jennifer says:

    Class is what we ALL want to see more of, but unfortuatly now from the Montelongo hoochies. The comment that Armando Montelongo made about thier wives being MUCH better looking that Ginger, get a LIFE. Ginger you have class, the others don’t by any stretch of the imagination. The two on Flip now lok like they should call it “Swinging from a pole”…

  34. mario says:

    All things one hand you have a funny witty smart and secure southern gal with a heart as big as her smile, yep /ginger is all that and more. Just consider the episode where she made the peace between richard and kevin.yep she cares. Can you even imagine how the thug replacements would handle that same situation? Probably would entail handing off baseball bats and switchblades. Lol. Ps… Ya gotta luv /grits.. Girls raised in the south

  35. RSVP Shindig says:

    After months of missing the REAL Flip this House crew it has been so nice to find out what really happened.

    I am excited to hear that there could be a new show coming our way!

    Good luck with the upcoming lawsuit.

  36. Jose says:

    Sorry to all of you but both trademark and montolongo suck -trademark to freakin southern for me and we all know that the south will never rise again-as for the montolongo you need to treat your contractors with more respect and buy them more freakin beer and learn how to speak spanish..

  37. Michael B. McCauley says:

    I can’t wait for you guys to come back on TLC. I work all day as a Program Analyst at a hospital and teach at night, so it is time to invest in a TiVo or DVR when you are back on the air. Ginger, you are beautiful, down to earth and have a fantastic work ethic. Richard is an outstanding role model who respects his contractors and subordinates – unlike that other putz in San Antonio, TX. He gives a great city a bad rep. I am concerned, however, about the business logic surrounding the remodeling of a house only to lease it back to the former owner. Yes, that individual definitely needed a leg up and I hope he took it to heart and didn’t take advantage of Richard’s soft heart. I would love to hear what has come of that. Keep it up. Who knows, maybe someday I’ll retire to Charleston and by one of your rehabs. Been there and love the city. Although, the weather in Tucson is quite nice.

  38. James says:

    You have class, something Melina Montelongo is lacking GREATLY! I wish you would come back!

  39. Dennis says:

    The photo of Ginger posted on ImdB looked like she was pregnant and I didnt even think she was married. Anyone know if she is indeed married or has a kid, or was it just a bad dress picture!!! Just curious.

  40. Daniel Thornton says:

    Finally, I have been going nuts trying to find out why you guys haven,t been on TV.
    I’m from Michigan and about screamed in delight when I read those word that you are filming for your own show. I can’t wait for January. I really miss you guys and you cannot be copied, the knockoff show on A&E is terrible.
    You guys are always in my prayers.


  41. Lisa Kimball says:

    Love the show! I really appreciate Ginger’s attitude and cool demeanor under such pressure. She is truly a role model for young women in the business world. I would be delighted to point you out to my daughters as a women that can move in a “man’s world” with grace and charm yet find it just as easy to roll up your sleeves and get down and dirty. Thank’s for paving the way and making it look so easy. Keep true to yourself and don’t let all this hoo-haw change who you appear to be.

    Great job to everyone, as well. I like to watch and live vicariously as others roll the dice. I worry along with you until the reveal.

    Keep up the great work and I’ll head to imdb right away. It’s been tough keeping these shows straight via TIVO. : )


  42. Jim Drew says:

    The biggest joke about this new cast, and I do mean cast, is that they are actually married. THERE IS NO WAY POSSIBLE!! Armando is as gay as they come, and his elvis-like brother is a total salad shooter. The chicks are totally hot!!! The show would be a lot better if they had cast real builders. They have absolutely no knowledge of construction.They do have knowledge of sunglasses and tacky untucked shirts that serve to cover all of Armando’s flab. He’s the flabby, faggy, uncoordinated type that has been picked on all of his life, now it’s his turn. That’s why he bullies the migrant workers he exploits. Its funny to see them in Hummers and Mercedes with a new ( shitty ) office building that looks like it is framed with 2×3’s. ( thats lumber Mondo ). They must have gotten some $ from A&E, we know their 3 or 4 houses have not sold. Staged auction ??? How pathetic!!! Mark my words, flabby, faggy Mondo will get caught diddling some young boy, or worse his twin elvis, and the show will be cancelled, end of story. Hopefully the lovely Melina will catch a break after the degradation she has endured living with an angry gay man pretending to be the Donald Trump of the San Antonio Ghettos!!! ” FLIP THIS BARIO ! “

  43. Carolyn Aslund says:

    We were SO happy to hear that you will be back in January. We just can’t stomach that Texas bunch.Richard has a heart, but not that guy!!We are great fans and can’t wait to see the new shows.I’d rather watch your re-runs 12 times than the knock-offs once.

  44. Bill Wise says:

    I was just looking for info about the Davis gang, and found this page. I’m glad to see you guys are coming back and I’m already a TLC viewer. I completely agree with the comments about the Texas crew. I didn’t see any comments about the new Atlanta crew, and I got to say they at least put on a decent show for a guy that doesn’t have access to a bunch of cash. I’ll be looking for your new show, can’t wait to see Ginger, eh Richard and the gang. Lastly, will Kevin be on any of the new episodes or has he and Richard broke up lol.

  45. Joe Kitchens says:

    I am so glad to see you guys are coming back. I think the new episodes are awful.

  46. Paul says:

    live watching the show,I learn a lot just from watching.

  47. Dave A says:

    I agree with all the positive comments about the show. Could’nt belive it canceled, it was one of the best shows on tv. Just really glad the show will air agian, and buy the way ginger is the HOTTEST woman on tv. Good luck Trademark.

  48. Ed Kangesier says:

    Glad you are coming back. I love the show and you people are great. I have remodeled a few houses and know what you must go through to get them done on time.
    They can try to copy your show, but it is the same as trying to copy a famous piece of art. It might look close but never the same. Keep up the good work.

  49. Matt Hafter says:

    Just saw two episodes side by side: the new guys kicked out some low income folks, used a demolition team with KIDS, no masks, no eye protection and no gloves. The Trademark Team sent workers home when there was a mold problem and ended up setting up a deal to make a contribution to the symphony. There is no comparison – I don’t want to watch a bunch of exploitive creeps. Looking forward to seeing your work again.

  50. Taylor says:

    I’m finding that I’m behind the times, when it comes to Team Trademark, the show, and the lawsuit. I did see two shows, but did not realize that Richard was the creator and producer of the show. What I do know is that I was impressed by Richard Davis as a man; but also as a person in how he leads his company and runs his business. I enjoyed watching Team Trademark do their thing. I’m fans of your company/team, and of Richard’s/Team Trademark’s integrity. Stand firm in your lawsuit–one step at a time, without letting it deplete your jubilance. Go get ’em!

  51. Nancy says:

    If you read the message from Nick, he obviously works for A&E or that group. I wouldn’t appear on TV with that people for all the rea in China. The firt time that Armando talked down to his wife or me or any other person for that matter I would have to smack him. A&E screwed up. I did not realize there was any type of lawsuit going on with Trademark. I emailed Dawn last week and she said they were shooting the series but did not mention that they switched from A&E to TBS. Glad I saw that. Anyway, we saw the good and bad on flips, now we don’t want to know that people like the San ANtonio group or the Atlanta group get away with what they are doing. Some city officials should be watching them as closely as they watched Trademark.

  52. darah price says:

    great show. can not wait for it to be back. the show is truly smart and inspiring. the cast respects and though not related like the other show (SA) has much more family qualities.

  53. Inmar says:

    Hi Ginger,
    I just want to say hi. Since the fisrt time I sa the show I never try to miss it. By the way, I think you are funny.

    Take care and the best to you!!!

  54. Clark Ortiz says:

    Hi Guys, My wife and I love the program. Go to my website… This is a network that I launched in Spanish in ’97 and is doing great in the Spanish arena. Today, I’m a Network consultant with 22 years of history in the media and believe your program can go around the world. Do you have someone pitching the networks? If not contact me and let’s talk. Clark

  55. Richard says:

    Hey Ginger, just saw the episode where you fixed up The Crab House.
    You looked absolutely yummy in those cowgirl boot’s. Can’t wait till your new show start’s. Get yourself some Daisy Dukes to go with those boot’s and were talking some serious rating’s!!!

  56. judy says:

    I just found out that you were involved in a lawsuit–but so glad to hear you will be back in Jan. I thought we’d lost you forever!! A&E’s loss will be out gain! The San Antonio bunch are not worth wasting a hour watching–they are just money grubbing low lifes.

  57. Gerrald says:

    I love the Trademark crew! They are great and help people out. They are a truly a humble group. Not to mention, I want to marry Ginger! HAHA… Trademark is truly the best!

  58. mike d says:

    Ginger is a babe. All that and brains too! Mesmerized. Love the accent!!!

  59. Candice says:

    Where are my manners? I did not mention the main man behind the work Mr. Richard. I LOVE YOU SEXY DARLING!!!!!!!!!!!

  60. Candice says:

    You all are without a doubt the est and most professional. Those mafia looking wanna be bull-daggers are just jealous and wish that they had the brains the trademark has. my husband and i can’t wait until jan. ya’ll are wonderful and i can’t wait to see that sexy richard in action again.

  61. Steve says:

    Hi ya’ll;
    My wife and I also flip houses, up in Canada. We now live in Roanoke VA. I can truly say that we are actually inspired by Richard, Ginger and the Trademark Group. Now how many shows on TV today can you say truly inspire you, most are mindless dribble (ie/ see the new Flip This House). Anyways, we look forward to the new show,keep up the good work as the flagship for all us “flippers”.

  62. laura rohland says:

    To all Trademark Properties Crew: My husband and I miss you a lot! we need you guys back!!! merry christmas to ya’ll and happy news year!!!!!!

  63. Art Johnson says:

    Well the new crews look good also, nothing against your shows but I do like the new format of entire crews in different parts of the country. If A&E did anything illegal or unethical to you I hope you get what you have coming aqnd then some. I do not know the original situation but the new crews do look good also. Particularly The Atlanta Crew Sam Leccima and his people…Nice and I hope his Hotel Investment Trust works out…Good luck and keep us informed but do not blame the new crews for A&E behavior, they (the crews) are just exploiting an opportunity like anybody else would.

  64. Scott says:

    Trademark Properties is an unethical business who routinely and brazenly ignores the law and lies to inspectors…. I hope you guys lose the lawsuit – and never want to see your business practices glamorized on tv again.

  65. Bob says:

    I discovered your show while flipping channels long ago. I too was wondering where you guys were (new episodes). I was watching a re-run here and decided to google the lovely Ginger to see if there was anything up with her, and here it is. My questions answered. And for the record the new Flip sucks (oooops, heard Ginger say it once) and I will not watch that. Miss all you guys and we’ll see you in the New Year @ whatever network is lucky to have ya..

  66. Marilyn Wittenburg says:

    Hi everyone at Trademark,
    Our household misses you guys terribly, we can’t wait till you return.
    By the way, Jack has two fans in our home, Buffy and Parker (both Bichons) are glued to the tv whenever Jack makes an appearance.

  67. Jeff says:

    I look forward to your next television venture. I also wish you much luck with your law suit.

    I am not surprized by the Montelongo attitude or drop off in ratings since they came into being the subject of the Flip this house show.. Its sad but the attitude here seems to be I want it, but dont expect me to pay for it. I am ashamed that these people put such a face on the State of Texas.

    I enjoyed your episodes, I felt I learned something while being entertained. My favorite was the one you did for the college students.. it showed great character on your part.

    If I even move out that way, I will be sure to contact you for my realestate needs.

  68. Carol says:

    So where and when are you guys coming back?? Patiently waiting in Michigan.

  69. Leon says:

    Hi Ginger
    U are so beautyfull, full of grace. Your eyes are a eternity`s jewel. Your hair its like a milky way 4 my dreams. Please, send me a photo of this sweet candy girl…Ginger. I luv her.

  70. Kimber says:

    Richard, Ginger and everyone from Trademark are such and inspiration to me. I have always wanted to flip houses but haven’t. I guess you could say I’m living vicariously through you all. I can’t wait for the new show. You have my full support!

  71. Brad says:

    I truely miss you guys on flip this house. Yall are the best crew for the show. I no longer watch flip this house unless it is one of yalls shows. I would also like to say that I love you Ginger very much, you are the woman of my dreams

  72. Matt Cason says:

    Cant wait till the new show comes out. I still catch the reruns when I can but quickly change before the new ones come on cause they are terrible. Any updates on the new show (names, times, dates, etc.) would be great. I think you should also add something about it on the Trademark website. As for Ginger yes you are a pretty lady. I have also met your sister Ashley before (she is friends with a friend of mine) and she is quite pretty herself.

  73. Ryan says:

    buying a house from the Montelongos is like buying underwear at a second-hand store.

    Someone mentioned that the show is an inspiration, i cant agree more! The whole trademark team is great.

    Ginger…..When are you going to be in FHM? 🙂

    Cant wait to see you guys back…

  74. Debbie Lawson says:

    Love your show, esp. Ginger. I have been to Charleston and the Crab House and to see it remodeled on t.v. was incredible. Keep up the good work.

  75. Julie says:

    I miss the Trademark Team and hope the rumours are true about them returning to the air on TLC. How many millions of dollars would you accept for Jack, Ginger? I’ve never seen a more loveable dog.

  76. Linda Williams says:

    My biker hubby did a commercial with Ginger and Richard on Monday in Atlanta, GA. My hubby had an absolute blast!!! The Director called my dave “double d”…

    The biker commercials start to air next week, so keep an eye open for them. I believe it will be on the learning channel.

    I have ALways been a fan of Ginger and Richard…A&E are FOOLS for putting in bad actors to replace the Team Trademark crew…


  77. To all Trademark Properties people and crews, keep up the good work! We love you all the way from Scottsdale Arizona!

  78. Paul and Mary Dunfee says:

    Dear Ginger, Richard, and all of the Trademark Properties gang,
    I hope you do get your show on the air. We do not like the San Antonio version. From the first time we saw Armando bragging about himself, we were turned off. There is no charm in that family, and we will wait for you all to get back on the air. We miss you! Ginger, our dog Jack says, ‘Hey!’ to your dog Jack…

  79. D.M.E. says:

    As a Gaffney, SC native now living in Southern California, I was really proud to see Richard and the rest of the Trademark Team on the show. We never knew what was going on when the San Antonio cast came around for the second season. Although it’s not their fault for taking the show, I prefer to watch Team Trademark. Richard has been an inspiration for me to get into real estate. I can’t wait for the new show to start.

  80. Ed says:

    “Flip This Channel”
    Miss your great show.I was sad to find that your show is not on anymore and was replaced by a substandard show that now makes me “Flip This Channel”. Hope to see you back on the air soon, whatever channel you are on is the channel I will watch. Not the other way around. Stupid move on part of A&E.

  81. Mike Oxbig says:

    Ginger…when are we going to see your beautiful face, smile, and knockout body back on tv again??

  82. Steve Caron says:

    Very unfortunate that the Trademark Team is not featured on the FLOP show any longer. A&E was playing some re-runs this past weekend with TT and it just reaffirmed why I stopped tuning in when the cast changed this season. There are enough programs on cable that show everyday people remodling or flipping but it was “to me” more interesting to watch professional organization like TT do it. Hope you guys come back in some other form.

  83. Marie says:

    Hey Ginger! I love watching the show! You are such a take charge kind of girl, its empowering for the rest of us women out here. I had a question for you. It was the episode with “the beach house”, I think. It had the um, eccentric landscapers. One of whom loved your shoes. I ALSO love your shoes! They were the leopard print heels, they looked GREAT with your white trench coat! I’m sure they are both bigh quality items, but I would like to know where you got them. You can email me at Thanks!

  84. Karen says:

    Ginger, I absolutely love your show, and the beautiful work that you guys do on those properties for what seems like a fair price for the buyers. Unlike that other show where their work seems substandard and they are so greedy. I cant stand to watch it. I hope to see you guys again soon. P.S. My dog gypsy loves to watch with me and she says hi to Jack.

  85. Joshua says:

    thank goodness Richard,Ginger,and the team are back.those other flip teams were pathetic, also why would a and e start new flip teams. like come on tradmark is the best. come on that Atlanta guy look at his background he was living in the nicest tower in atl. and did not give people his money. tell him to take his bmw 745 to his own world. Richard davis all the way ill be watch on the of luck. and that atlanta guys wife do up ur jeans and buy some pregent clothes please this is tv not in ur living room

  86. David says:

    I have to say, Richard, Ginger, and everyone at Trademark made Flip That House the show I liked. The mix of all your personalities, your down-to-earth approach to your work, and your talent, all mix together to make one heck of a team. I won’t watch the new “teams” and I refuse to entertain the thought. You guys are the best, and I will continue to support you through anything and everything. Keep up the good work guys!

  87. smokinjoe says:

    I would watch anything that Ginger was in, I was “flipping through the channels” and just stopped in my tracks when I saw her. well, after watching her I see a women of substance and beauty, a hard combo to beat. now I am looking forward to the new show as much as anyone. thanks Ginger.

  88. paul dewine says:

    I will stop watching flip this house except long enough to see who is advertiseing so I can let them know that they put thier advertising dollars with another network that I would be watching bring back trademark today

  89. Brian says:

    Ginger, You’re HOT!

  90. john chambers says:

    To Ginger, Richard and the rest of the crew.
    WOW ! I am from New England and well if I could swear in this note about what A&E is doing to you guys right now I would. If you have seen the movie “the Departed” you would get an idea of the many colorfull phrases we in Boston like to use in certain situations.
    I love your show because of you guys,
    you guys are the show .The story is not the show. You can’t be replaced by actors ! They can’t script those relationships you all have with each
    I am so inspired by your show that I am actually going to the Myrtle Beach area
    this May to look for properties.
    I am looking forward to your new adventures. This will be a major mistake and a major loss for A&E. I can’t figure out if the folks there are thinking too much or just not enough. Maybe it’s one of those half witted corporate armchair decisions. Sounds like maybe the folks in the A&E boardroom need a psychiatric examination.
    What A&E is doing reminds me of what
    the Red Sox “corporation” did up
    here ! And they still haven’t learned that, YOU CAN”T “BUY” A GOOD TEAM !!

  91. Brian says:

    I loved the old show! What the hell happened? I am a South Carolinian and had to move to Connecticut for two years for work, this show eased my homesickness for the south while away. Someone cach me up please…

  92. Patty says:

    People that don’t even know about Trademark tell me all the time how they saw Charleston on Flip This House. They don’t even know you and are crazy about you! We are all looking forward to you coming back on even better than before. Teamwork! Keep your eyes on your goals and I know every dream will come true for you. Godspeed.

  93. Pete says:

    I really don’t care Armando Montelongo at all. I watched about a half an episode of the Montelongo FTH. I promptly changed the channel when Armando snatched the popcycle from one of his sub-contractors hands and threw it. I hope he’s not really a jerk in real life, but that incident along with the way he treats people turned me off from the show.

    On the other hand, the Trademark folks have a a lot of class. They treat people with dinity, fairness and respect, and still make a profit.

  94. Suzie in NY says:

    Armando Montelongo’s attitude is a turn off to most people. I get sick of seeing the little nuances of his relationship with his wife and in-laws. I want to see people do a successful flip that’s why I watch. We looooooove Trademark and are planning a trip to South Carolina on our wedding anniverary in September.

  95. bill frey says:

    ginger should be in hollywood making movies,she could be the next marlyn monroe!

  96. Blake says:

    I just caught the previews of the new show last evening, and was thrilled to see you guys were finally coming back !!! A&E are idiots as far as I’m concered.
    It is no surprise that Ginger is just as gorgeous as the last time I saw her.
    Welcome back ya’ll !

  97. Greg says:

    When and where will Trademark be airing? I havent’ seen anyhing here in Ohio.

  98. joe says:

    ginger you are so hot. i am a italian guy coming to your area soon for vacation would love to meet you. keep up the good work


  99. Joan Sanders says:

    I loved Flip this House with Richard, Ginger and the rest of the crew. I’ve tried to watch it this year but quite frankly the people just aren’t likable.
    I’m thrilled that you will have a new show and I’ll be sure to watch.

  100. Sue says:

    When and where is the new show?

  101. jane Morrison says:

    dear gingerr aqre you and richard married? we have a bet you are.hope you answer .

  102. Angie in TX says:

    Trademark rules! If i was moving to Charleston I would buy one of your houses. I liked the episode where yall moved the house of the baseball player. When have the Montelamos done anything nice? They talk down to the people who help make them rich and treat them like crap! Ill be watching TLC for sure! keepp up the good work

  103. Mark says:

    wow, I wondered what happened to the Trademark crew. I’m so sorry A&E was stupid enough to do this.
    The replacements are terrible and not nearly as much fun to watch.
    I’ve truly enjoyed watching your shows and got a big kick out of the Crab House segment.
    It’s also nice that Ginger is so easy on the eyes.
    Hope y’all get a new show soon!

  104. Mary says:

    Wow!! Its great to see you guys back on Air. Good luck and best wishes with the suite I have no doubt you guys will win. As I have watched the other flippers that were aired. Armondo needs lessons in how to treat other people with respect. There work it what i would call shabby and cheap.Some houses they just painted over the same old paint. You literally can see the sections were the paint was missing and just painted over. They treat there contracters like crap. They want everyone to work for FREE.. what a joke. The days of Slavery are long and over with. The brother David seems to have more ettiquite in how to treat employees. Wow I have been down right upset and disgusted with Armondo’s treatment.. If he would treat a dog like that I am sure the humane society would step in and place him under arrest for cruelty to animals. Ginger I am so proud of you to see how well you have developed under Richards guidance..Keep up the great work. OH and please let jack grow back some hair..ha ha.. I love the new show and look forward to seeing how the Trademark Team does with this huge investment of the 300 apts in the next show. The other teams do not have the spunk that your show has. My best wishes for you new show and keep up the great work. I would love to work for a team like yours. God Bless

  105. Don says:

    I miss Trademarks flips. Hope to see some in the future somewhere. As far as comparing the Montolongos to Trademark, there is no comparison. They are in completely different regions of the country and deal with problems differently, but have no fear Richard of Trademark is just as cutthroat as Armando, but that is what it takes to be successful. The Lacchimas in Atlanta are the least interesting of all the flip shows.

  106. Terry More says:

    I am doing renovations at my house and found this website. love the show I’ve watched all of them (flip this house teams) and your episodes are the best some how yall make it seem more interesting not to mention Ginger my god those hills she be wearing WOW…..let me stop Yall keep it simple luv the show keep up the good work

  107. Dave says:

    Ginger Alexader is gorgeous:)

  108. ZACDADDY says:

    Just watched an episode of Flip this house (Charleston) and then saw the new show on TLC. I like the new show better. Just to echo another blogger. GINGER IS HOT!

  109. Dave says:

    “The Real Deal”…Good show!!! Better now then when it was on A&E. Ginger is great at what she does and is easy on the eyes. But maybe she could get Richard to STOP using the term MacDaddy? I believe it was used once by a NBA player in a 1982 Mcdonalds commercial. When it was said “once” in 1982 it was then strategically lost in time where it should of remained forever! But No, Richard Davis got it and won’t let it go…please stop sending me to 1982!!!

  110. My daughter Heather will be attending Charleston University in the fall and I would LOVE to meet Ginger Anderson! We will be there on August 19th-21st and want to know…where is the office so we can stop by and see you Ginger?Out of all the Flip this House shows YOUR team is the leader in professionalisim! GOOD LUCK FOR IN THE COMMING SHOWS OF “The REAL deal!”

    Cheryl Lassiter-Paramedic
    Director of Emergency Response

  111. KK says:

    I love the “Real Deal”! It’s those catchy phrases from Richard Davis that keep me coming back for more… “Save the drama for your Mama!” How much more real can it get. Thanks for showing how to run a business like a business, one goal in mind, teamwork and no freaky reality show rude behavior. Keep it real y’all!

  112. Jim says:

    Me likey Ginger 😉 yum yum

  113. Kim says:

    I was so irritated when I sat down to watch my PVR’d Flip this house (Charleson)to find Ken, Barbie and Friends! WHERE DID RICHARD AND GINGER GO?, I thought. Why would they mess with such a great show. Haven’t turned the show on since. My PVR is now set for The Real Deal On TLC – Wooo Hooo THEY’RE BACK!!!!

  114. Amy says:

    Love the new show Team Trademark 🙂 A&E are fools for what they are doing to you all. The new show is great and I never miss an episode. You guys totally capture the ideal meaning of team work with the way everyone pulls together to get the job done no matter what. All the best to everyone at Trademark 🙂

  115. Nadia says:

    I think that new casts on A&E are great!! I got turned off of Trademark after they did the Rat house.. I’m sure that working with A&E brought alot of business Trademarks way I find it odd that they would sue. Personally, I think that there must have been a good reason to get rid of them..

  116. Becky says:

    Hi Ginger and Richard, 1st of all just wanna say “Love the show” I search through the channels just looking for you guys. Your energy, wish I had it. Your ideas, are so talented. We bought a home in Pgh. Pa. What a mistake. My spouse was in a car accident in 1998 and had 2 back surgeries. As he was getting his bad news of needing back surgery I was getting my bad news of being clogged in my aortic, my iliac, and pelvis and I then needed surgery. When my spouse finally settled a lawsuit we were living in N.J. and both our parents were back here in Pa. Looking at our illnesses and realizing our parents weren’t getting any younger we said we better purchase a home and pay cash that way we’d know if anything we always could count on a roof being over our heads. We purchased a home in Pa. in 2002. Happy just to be close to our parents. Both of our mothers had passed within 3 yrs. His mother had c.o.p.d. and my mother never sick a day in her life ended up getting brain, liver and lung cancer. Do I regret the move to be closer to our parents “never” But, my spouses back just got worse and eventually his union job came to a halt. And, me soon to follow. This time between my legs and my back didn’t know which was worse. Turns out I will be having surgery this Monday to have the gallbladder out and then after that to see a surgeon for 3 bulging discs, and to top it off just found out both iliac arteries have an aneurysm. Sitting and watching your shows gives me great joy and something to do. (or dream of) We purchased this home to be close to our parents and now Don’t even have them, stuck in a house I love, but…know We can never repair the things that are so needed. Painted the house when we 1st moved in, when we both could still move a bit. Now all the paint is peeling off the walls. Need a roof, eh… just cleaning up everyday keeping it in order, maybe in installments but I manage to keep the 1st floor presentable. (try my darnest anyways) My bedroom, heck I can’t remember the last time I slept in my room. Every now and then I climb the stairs to present my self for a Dr Appt. and, I am so ashamed of the room. I cry, because it’s not me. I had 4 children and worked and cooked and cleaned everyday in the past before all my problems. And some day, seeing your show…. Getting all my ideas…. And hopefully your energy rubs off. And the absolute worse of all is our water situation. No public water, Can’t even begin to tell you the hassel of that alone. We must have thousands of gallons hauled in in a months time, because we have cistern for water source and its never enough. And then to top it off bc of finding dead birds in the past, we also have to purchase an average of 90-100 gallons of drinking water to cook with and drink. And heck, without my spouse I’d be in an even bigger depression, bc he is my legs… he has to carry water up to me all the time w/o him I’d be up the creek w/o a paddle. And only getting SS/SSI its the impossible anyways to repair anything, so might as well just sit on the couch and watch great entertainment and get my ideas…. Because someday, just someday I’m gonna use some of your ideas (lol) I’m 43 yrs old, and feel useless at the moment. But I am gonna get beyond this I’m determined and its people like you that give even the disabled hope. I’m not wanting this posted, just wanted to say thanx for giving me ideas and something to look forward to. (and great hope) that someday…..

  117. 123 says:

    thats funny

  118. Drew says:

    Ginger you are one to talk about Armando looking funny.. Have you looked in the mirror latetly.. You go a set of teeth like my race horse. Don’t put down Armando when you look the way you do. If I saw those teeth coming at me I would run for the hills.

  119. Michael says:

    I am a home renovator. I never liked the term “flipper”. After watching several episodes of the Montelongos, I was upset with the way Armando put profit above integrity. If you are going to renovate a home, and you expect people to put up their hard-earned money to purchase it, then you better provide them with a quality product. I was appalled with the way Armando just paints over everything in order to avoid spending the cash to perform the proper method of renovating. I have met his brother David Montelongo, and he is like night and day with Armando. David is a professional, and a gentleman. I would like to see David and his wife have their own show.

  120. James says:

    I have renovated 4 homes and worked in construction all my life, what frustrates me with these shows is the lack of ability these people have when it comes to picking up a hammer. One show, they changed a doorway to match an arch in an adjacent room and the carpenter seemed stumped at how to duplicate the same arch, duh, ever made a TEMPLATE? Why the ridiculous time limits? Is 2 more days gonna kill anyone? So maybe you make $40k instead of $50k on a house, if it’s a quality product, it was worth the $$$$. I like those guys from Connecticut. They did a great job on that little 100 y/o shitbox in lousy conditions.
    Richards best houses are the ones where Kevin is in charge and I’m sure Kevin could do his own show. He’s hardcore, if something needs done on one of Kev’s houses, he can do it himself, he’s smart and takes no bull, like when he spent the extra $$ to vault the ceilings on one house.
    Richard cried about it, but when all was said and done, Kevin knew he was right. That’s the confidence that comes from experience.
    Ginger is a sweeheart but her skills are limited to co-ordinating and she’d be a great one to show the homes.

    Armando makes me sick with his constant “Can we keep these?” question regarding cabinets and his “lipstick on a pig” comments. He should be smart enough to know nothing good will come from putting $$$ before quality.

    I must say, if they aren’t already, these people should join the local Masons lodge, network a little, get some real craftsmen on their jobs and there would be no quality issues.

  121. Sara Eastman says:

    Love you guys, glad to see you back on TV. If I wasn’t a trauma nurse, I would want to work at Trademark–if I was going to live in the south, I’d definetly try to buy a Trademark property. There, how do ya like that for asskissing?? Just kidding!!Honestly, I am impressed with the company and many props to you guys for being so professional; I looooove the show.

  122. Judy P. says:

    I am so glad you guys are back! I have missed your program and the whole team! I can’t stand to watch “Flip this House” without you.
    I find it quite ironic that they are being exposed for the second rate show they are. As they say
    “what goes round comes round” and now there show is being exposed for what it is!
    You all have class, that is something that can’t be bought, you either have it or you don’t. You are real people who do a great job and have great personalities, that makes the show not only informative but great fun to watch! Keep up the good work!

  123. Jeremey Day says:

    I was hoping ginger could pose for playboy or hustler. The only reason i watch the show is to see her cantalopes. She has a fine a$$ too!

  124. Gene says:

    What a RELIEF to see the Trademark team back on TLC. And what a HUGE mistake A&E made in replacing them with a cast that you can’t tell the show apart from today’s typically stupid commercials. What makes that type of show was and is the both the professionalism and heart displayed by the Trademark team. Along with the ntural chemistry they exude. I can only hope that this show is on for a long run . as it is definetley a show I look forward to watching each week.

  125. Howard says:

    I wanted to say how glad I am to see “The Real Deal” on TLC. Richard and I are the same age, and when “Flip This House” first came on the air, Team Trademark inspired me to start a similar business.

    I also buy distressed properties, but I keep them and flip them into rentals. Many of the things Richard and his team do also apply to my world… while I don’t put granite in my kichens, I do other upgrades to turn a tired old house into a nice rental. My tenants have been long-term, and I make a reasonable profit.

    So Richard, Ginger, Dawn and the rest… thank you for being an influence on my life.

  126. robert says:

    Ginger is the Hottest women in the world, not just on t.v.

  127. AA says:


    Will you marry me?

  128. Geovanny says:

    Your part and the rest of the crew is just fantastic. Just keep it safe on the projects and know your limitations. Remember a job is only a small part of life. I’m sure college taught you that.
    Good luck with the show and future out spins of it. By the way do you own a house. Remember to buy it early and sell it to make a good profit 200% would be nice years later. How many proposals have you had so far. (Seems like a lot). I think some people should go to for dates and talk to you about the show and the skills instead. Any way, enjoy Summer 2007.
    From Geovanny (NY)

  129. al says:

    Rich you kool dude i like your style.(get it done or have a good excuse).like someone has every come up with one??
    Ginger…WOW…shes one hot woman the whole,good looking,she comes off as an airhead sometimes but WOW is she smart and one tough cookie….when can i meet her??…..thanks for a great show….

  130. Mike Meyers says:

    Why don’t you guys have any Black people on your show? For a large Southern Company to not employ any black people is shameful

  131. Tucson says:

    I thout Melina and her hubby are not in the show no more. I thout David and Armando got into it regarding a house?

  132. John says:

    I like Armando a lot better than Rich (what’s with the eyebrows?) and Ginger (novice, at best).

    I’ve learned a lot of “real” issues with the Montolongos than I have with Fred and Ginger.

  133. Patrick says:

    Hey all you people from Trademark. Over here in Belgium you’re a great inspiration for us. I wish belgian law would permit us to do the same thing over here, unfortunately it’s not that easy.
    Comment on Mike Meyers (posted june 16th): pleaaase don’t make everything a racial issue!!! why do we get people around the world who always seem to think everything’s about race?
    Just enjoy the show and the wonderful things the crew from Trademark do every week.

  134. Mae Ling says:

    Trademark rules!!

    I was so sad to see FTH go to the crapper. BUT, The Real Estate Pros is a much better show.

    What I love about seeing Trademark is the family feel, the compassion and the teamwork. Richard’s little quotes are hysterical, but they also make so much sense and can be applied to everyday life. What makes me love him on this show more is the compassion that he displays, he never forgets where he’s from and he should be proud to be where he is today…with the help from a fantastic team.

    I loved when Ginger found a stray dog and her determination to find the pup’s owner was endearing.

    Too bad Trademark won’t be branching out in Canada…I would love to work with a team like this.

  135. Brian says:

    I will watch any show that Ginger is on. Ginger is absolutely gorgeous, but The Real Estate Pros is a good show on it’s own merit. Without the Trademark staff, FTH isn’t worth watching.

  136. Great new show, need to see more of Ginger. What a fox !

  137. sarah says:

    Where’s Kevin?????? Where’s Kevin?????? Where’s Kevin??????

  138. Mary says:

    Richard, Ginger and the whole gang at Trademark…thanks for being such a great inspiration. You guys are great and flip beautiful houses. You have inspiried me to try to get my dream off the ground of owning my own real estate business. I hope mine can be as successful as yours…and I just have to say the I loved the episode of you guys in the truck all night long waiting on the burgular….too funny..that showed you guys are everyday people like the rest of us just trying to protect our investments. Keep up the good work and look foward to the new season. – Houston, TX.

  139. Mikey says:

    Great seeing the show back. The wife and I love it. Richard is an inspiration to all “wanna-b” RE investors who just need the little push to get started. He is for real. You don’t get a team with that kind of commitment by being an ass. He’s a frank, to-the-point bad-ass who can laugh at himself when he goofs up, and takes your head off when you do. That’s no joke. The fact that he cares about his team so much is the absolute reason for his success. I can truly identify with that. I’d love to work for him if we lived closer. Way to go Richard. btw – Ginger is bad-ass with looks. Watchout!

  140. Fred Ferro says:

    Moving to Las Vegas from Jacksonville FL. Wish you were rolled out in Vegas. Would love to deal with your CO. Shows is great. But I like all the shows that deal with flipping.

  141. alfonso rodriguez says:

    Dear Ginger:
    I am very happy to hear you will be back soon. Please insist.


  142. Cowpie says:

    I can’t stand watching those Texans and the A-hole owner of the company. I just want to reach into the TV and ring his neck. He disrespects everyone….even his family! TLC made the right decision to bring Trademark onboard. We need more of Ginger! What happened to the blonde foreman dude?

  143. Jesse says:

    My wife and I loved the show “Flip this House.” I even enjoy the re-runs.I really enjoy where they show the problems of the house, such as the plumbing or a structural foundation defect.I am very impressed with the houses of the Victorian age, like built in 1909-10.My wife enjoys the part where there is city hall intervention of a building permit, house being condemned, or simply putting the house back on the tax role.Love to see more esipodes of this show.

  144. John says:

    Whether it’s The Real Deal or Flip This House I can’t get enough of this type of show. The key though is that they have to focus on the people not so much the houses being flipped. Take for example the show Flip That House. Boring Boring Boring because everything centers around the house and the people are rather dry. Flip This House and The Real Deal, (Even if you hate Armando) are much more interesting TV.

  145. Ron - Chicago says:

    Looking to warm up my chicago winter with some great stuff watching you and the crew come January.

  146. bryant hendeson says:

    yall are Awesome , flipping houses for a freind of mine I actually take some lessons from your show thanks for everything you have a friend for life take care
    P.S. ginger my best friend says you are extremely HOT!!!…LOL

  147. Deb Grimm says:

    Who else thinks that Richard and Ginger are together, they are closer than most married couples and are trying to hide their relationship. Please get your teeth fixed Ginger, you are too pretty to go around with that overbite!

  148. Navi says:

    Hey Ginger, enjoy watching your shows with Richard and the whole gang of home builders. You guys are great. Ginger, I think you are beautiful. A&E is going to regret it. See ya on the air soon!

  149. Luis (Greenville) says:

    We just discovered your show. I am guessing that they are reruns. There was a marathon running last weekend and my wife and I are hooked. It;s not mystery that we felt a connection since we are from Greenville, South Carolina and have spent a lot of time in Charleston, especially on the Isle of Palms and Folly.

    We may be a bit prejudiced but we think your show is the best and most entertaining show in it’s class. We hope that A&E has the good sense to continue your show. Thanks for keepng us entertained and for demostrating to America some of the best traits of the people from the south. The integrity that is very evident in everthing you do on the show is a trademark of us South Carolinians. Keep up the good work.

  150. thefirebuilds says:

    Who else thinks that Richard and Ginger are together, they are closer than most married couples and are trying to hide their relationship. Please get your teeth fixed Ginger, you are too pretty to go around with that overbite!

    –Deb the thought has crossed my mind. The two do seem pretty tight on the show. Pretty harsh on the teeth, I actually find it pretty cute, plus if she got them fixed she’d be way out of my league (wait, if Richard could get her than any of us can :-x)

    Ginger you’re a cutie! I could even listen to you complain about termite infestations for hours on end. Wait, I do and I pay my cable company for the pleasure of it :-

  151. Re: “Ginger you’re a cutie! I could even listen to you complain about termite infestations for hours on end.”

    That’s hysterical! LOL I was laughing about on the plane to Charleston last Wednesday. Sill laughing.

    Termites? LOL

  152. Tim says:

    what ever happened to Kevin?

  153. Edie says:

    It must be a ‘Southern’ thing, because I cannot find anything interesting about the Trademark show. The cast seems to be a stereotypical representation of today’s Southerners. Richard seems perpetually drunk, Ginger appears to be employed by virtue of being Richard’s girlfriend because she has zero skills and zero brains, and I wonder if Dawn was the one he traded in for Ginger. They don’t seem to ever really work. This wouldn’t fly in Southern California.

  154. chris smith says:

    ginger your the hottest girl i have ever seen in my life. i love the show just because of you sweetie. WOW !! is all i can say, keep up the good work on the new network beautiful.

  155. Fred Ferro says:

    Edie I would not say much more. You being from So Cal. Your losing your state to left wing nuts. Then maybe you like being a nut. I am a northern persons. but I know my southern brothers and sisters are American. Are you? If you are you won’t be for long. Your state is moving left even more. So maybe you need to call these southern pumpkins and see if they have a home with a out house with it. You Know I am not sure if they have them inside yet. Yea think. Not even sure if they wear shoes. Edie you are an in a hole. I lived in So Cal for a few years. Not much good to say. It is so platic. To few real men and women. Most are plastic as you are.

  156. Dwight says:

    Ever since the finale of “The Real Estate Pros”, I’ve been wondering what is next? I love the homespun values that Richard represents, and Ginger? OMG that southern charm comes through so much I love it. Give me more!!

  157. Geoff says:

    I hope to see much more of the gang!! Ginger is sweet and extremely attractive.

  158. Warner says:

    Ginger i love you where are you?

  159. kathleen wentzel says:

    Hi Guys,
    Love your show. When are we going to see
    new shows. You guys are the best.
    I would love to stop in if i get down that way. Maybe next year when I retire
    I’ll come down. Any suggestions where I
    could stay?? Inexpensive but nice. Do you need anyone to do your mail?? I work at P.S.U. in mail services.
    Best of Luck!!! Kathie

  160. dick g says:

    Hi Trademark..And Ginger.LUV ya !!!great show ..Ginger is beautiful..when are you folks coming back to tv ..soon I do hope.take care ,,LTA miss REP!!!& Jack..

  161. Gene Williams says:

    Your show is among one of the best EVER to be on television. The chemistry of the Trademark team is perfect for the type of show. The other cast in the same genre don’t even come close. Richard Davis is among the most talented in his field and certainly the most personable. And Ginger Alexander is both pesonable and down right drop dead gorgeous. Keep those new shows coming!

  162. Tony says:

    I really like your show and am so mesmerized by Ginger. She is very beautiful. Too bad she is a Clemson girl! If she were a Tennesse Volunteer, she would be absolutely perfect! GO VOLS!!!!

  163. Phil Johnson says:

    Im sooooo glad I finally found your new show. The Texas crew that thought they could fill your shoes have done a really bad job! It is just a show of really bad acting! Armando and his brother are a joke! Im back to enjoying the shows that the Trademark team are doing AGAIN!
    Keep the new shows coming! And yes, Ginger is HOT!

  164. B Williams says:

    We’re still watching reruns and can’t wait for the new season to start. We love y’all! All the best in 2008!!

  165. Mike says:

    The group in San Antonio are a bunch of low budget losers. Their wives spackle their faces more so than the walls they patch. Antonio is a weenie, with his polyester shirts and greasy head. Bring back Trademark! Actually…I just want to see Ginger walk around in her sexy outfits…SHE IS A SEXY WOMAN!! Keep it up, Ginger 🙂

  166. Melissa says:

    I actually do like the Montelongos… I think they are entertaining,

    But that being said.. I REALLY love team trademark. I keep watching the old episodes on my DVR over and over again.

    Ginger, being a girl about your age I have to say I really admire what you do. You have a strong work ethic and you are REAL.

    I think you guys are awesome and I can’t wait to see new episodes of The Real Estate Pros.

    Tell everyone in the office you are loved by Texas!

  167. aaron says:

    hi ginger i think you are great please write back ty

  168. kathleen wentzel says:

    Rich & Ginger, Miss you guys. Where have
    you been? Did you leave A&E?? the other
    dudes just aren’t the same. I think
    Armando from Texas sucks. He’s such an
    ass.Would love to meet you guys.
    Keep up the good work

  169. Amanda says:

    Did I hear correctly that TLC has cancelled Trademark????

    You’ve GOT to be kidding me?!?! That pompous ASS is still on A&E and now we’re STUCK with him???? Please say it ain’t so!!!

    Best thing in the world would be if A&E eats some crow and fires the Montelango scumbags, then does some serious sucking up to woo Davies and Ginger back into the fold so we aren’t exposed to that snake Armando!

  170. Crystal says:

    I’m from Gbo, NC and I just learned of the A&E/TLC thing…with that said I too love Richard Davis/Trademark Prop.and mirror most of the aforementioned, but I really would offer up bashing others is just not cool & “purposeless” I’ve watched Armando & just see him as being himself “too” thats what makes America great! Pepsi or Coke, Basketball or Soccer……

  171. james says:

    is this show still on?? i see re runs of last season but nothing new~!

  172. André says:

    hello amerika !

    i am from the netherlands

    and i am watching Trademark
    i love it !
    especially ginger

  173. andré says:

    i love ginger

  174. Jacob Clark says:

    Ginger, You are the ideal southern belle. A super hottie too! It was always nice to watch a nice group of southerns. True to tradition always kind andcharming! Miss ya, hope you guys are hanging in there during this economy.

  175. Jason says:

    Well I just had the surprise of the week, best wishes to you both. And looking forward to the new season!

  176. Chuck & Dee says:

    Dear Ginger & Jack,
    As we all know you folks are the best and are sorely missed….we look forward to seeing the show with all the gang back
    ASAP! The network DOES NOT matter to us!!!
    More episodes, please!!!Thanks for your efforts to do the right thing!!!!

  177. Mo Viewer says:

    File No: 009937 License Number: 2009000937

    Groom Information

    Birthplace: WASHINGTON DC Race: WHITE Res: 139 MARKET STREET
    Town: CHARLESTON County: CHARLESTON State: SC Marriage No: 2

    Bride Information

    Town: CHARLESTON County: CHARLESTON State: SC Marriage No: 1
    Maiden Name:

    Ginger and Richard are married. Marriage licenses are public record. See for yourself at the Charleston County website:

    Application Date: 4/ 9/2009 Marriage Date: 4/10/2009
    Roll: Frame:
    Type of Document:
    Microfilm Date:

  178. ryan dehler says:

    Hey whats up. just wanted to say that u guys were the best flip this house ever. wish u came back.

    Hey if you want to get a show going in CT drop me a line off my site. my partner and I are two 24 yr old college drop outs who have flipped 65+ houses in the past 5 yrs. we do pretty well here in CT. we would love to chat and talk about ways to bring the show up here and show people that even kids can do this!.

    take care!


  179. letia carlson says:

    hey richard and ginger congrats on the nuptuals hell yeah you did it at least you two are great for each other. I do miss your show very much and god do i hate san antonio and screw AE they really screwed you and i cant wait for you to come back and hope that you do come back to tlc im sorry john left the show and hope that the rest of your team will stick together i love how your team does flips and i loved the clemson episode where you put those sorority girls in those apartments that was real awesome of you it shows you care about not just everyday people but students and education especially when you redid that concession stand at the football stadium i love all of you john kevin dawn lori and you and ginger you all together make the team work and thats what makes for a professional successful team and business and show and hope to see more of you guys also hope that you and ginger have some kids to add to your team and also i love jack gingers dog and richard i love your little comments you are a great personality which means the show is never boring cant wait to see what you will say next

  180. Dick g says:

    when are you good Southern Folks coming back to tv ?? I hope soon.LUV Ginger she’s hotter than —–! luv the show..I live in North East and I still Luv watching you folks….come back soon.

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