Richard & Trademark Deny A&E’s Counterclaim

Both Richard & Trademark responded to A&E’s counterclaim.  They denied the substantive parts of the counterclaim, which is addressed more fully in an earlier post.  The pertinent documents:

2 Comments on “Richard & Trademark Deny A&E’s Counterclaim”

  1. Kathryn says:

    I read through the claim and counterclaim, and I cannot believe my eyes: both parties seem to agree that there NEVER was a written, signed contract between Trademark and A&E–just a verbal “agreement,” informal communications, and a drafted but unsigned season 2 contract? I mean, cripey. My impression of the corporate world (and neither party is an amateur in that arena) is that one doesn’t hire someone to change a lightbulb without a signed contract! I just can’t believe they’d film 13 episodes and start work on episode 14 for season 2 without one.

    Am I missing something?

  2. al says:

    yes you are missing something…richard is a tight guy..(weird he likes the spot light)Doesn’t seem like a dude that would screw someone over…..

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