Trademark Properties on YouTube!

From Trademark Properties, dated March 28, 2007:

Hey Ya’ll– We’ve had a lot of exciting things going on in South Carolina lately! This past week, Richard held a contest where everyone in the company divided into teams and created their own short films. You’ll get to meet the rest of Team Trademark, while seeing some familiar faces too! We’ve included the finished products in the links below:

#1 — Is There Anybody Out There?

#2 — The Finer Things

#3 — Teamwork

#4 — Yeah Baby

#5 — Once Upon a Time in Charleston

#6 — Whatever It Takes

#7 — A-Team Trademark

Now, we need your help in deciding which short film is the best! Check them out and let us know what you think!

Also, don’t forget to tune in this Saturday at 9 PM on TLC. Thanks for your support and we’re looking to hearing from you!

Team Trademark
Trademark Properties

16 Comments on “Trademark Properties on YouTube!”

  1. Shawn says:

    “Whatever It Takes” is first place

    “Teamwork” is second place

  2. Jimmy says:

    “Whatever It Takes” #1
    “Teamwork” #2
    “A-Team” #3

  3. Steve in Texas says:


  4. Kevin says:

    #1 Teamwork
    #2 Once upon a time…
    #3 A-Team

  5. Steve Griggs says:

    #1 Teamwork
    #2 Whatever It Takes
    #3 Once Upon a Time in Charleston

  6. Mark says:


  7. Amy says:

    It’s a tough choice, but…

    #1 Teamwork
    #2 Whatever it Takes

  8. Carter says:

    #1 – Teamwork
    #2 – Once Upon a Time in Charleston
    #3 – Yeah Baby (just b/c I like the title)

  9. Jason James King says:

    #1 Whatever it takes
    #2 Teamwork

  10. Richard Nibbler says:

    wow… i’m speachless…. if this is an example of the quality of work we can expect from the new show.. i’d have to guess that TLC is pouring over thier contract to see what it will take to get out of it.. that is, unless their target market is a bunch of 5th graders..

  11. CJ says:

    Hey guys, great job! I loved the videos. My first choice is “Whatever It Takes”, very funny. My second choice is “Teamwork”, I want to grow up and be just like Richard. I have to say that I did no get “Is there anybody out there?”, maybe it’s just me. And what’s up with the guys’ hair in “Once Upon a Time…”?

  12. Bill says:

    Gotta go with TEAMWORK!! Looking forward to the new show!

  13. Paula says:

    #1 Whatever It Takes, #2 Teamwork, #3 The Finer Things and A-Team (tie). These were great! Another example of why I enjoy watching you folks! Dedicated professionals who work hard, but also know how to have fun. Can’t wait to see you guys back on TV!

  14. dg says:

    Can’t rate them. All seem to have the exact same level of total cheese.

    Damn, I’m glad y’all will be back on the tube soon! Well, besides on the news when your office parties involve the authorities…

  15. TK says:

    #1 Teamwork
    #2 Whatever it Takes

  16. Shar Bernstein says:

    FTH is no longer even a “faked” show, but an infomercial. Laminate floors, kitchen cabinets, paver stones, even a PLAYHOUSE for God’s sake! More contrived than ever, the way the family justs happens to be sitting arouind the computer so the camera can zoom in to the sponsor’s website. So phony–What self-respecting flipper would put expensive paving stones in the driveway and all around to the back of the house on a property being targeted at around a $300k sale price? Sheer nonsense. Unless, of course, the flipper happened to be getting them for free in return for promotional consideration. I don’t know any flippers who can relate to that kind of situation. Do any of you?

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