The House That Wouldn’t Sell – April 21 at 9PM ET/PT On TLC

From Trademark Properties on April 20, 2007:

Hello to all supporters of Team Trademark!

Guess who’s Back??!! That’s right, no more pretenders, time for  THE REAL DEAL to take over red rover:)

 We know it’s been a long time but “THE REAL DEAL” is less than 36 hours away! It has been a long time since you saw a new deal from us, but sit back, turn up the volume, strap yourself into your recliner and hold on, cause HERE WE GO, and you’re welcome to come along for the ride:)!!! Please help spread the word to FLIP THE CHANNEL to TLC Saturday night at 9pm to see the latest from the GREATEST!!!:)

Thank you all for your passionate and continued support, without you, none of this would have been possible!!!!! You guys are the best, hope you enjoy your window into our world every week for a long time to come!!!

From Trademark Properties on April 17, 2007:

Hey Everyone!

We hope you are doing well! Its been an eventful year and the crew at Trademark Properties thanks you for your support. After several crazy adventures, many months of filming, and a lot of fun Trademark style, it is finally time for our return – and we are so excited!

The first episode takes place in Charleston and finds our team tackling the impossible by investing in a house that’s been on the market for almost a year. We renovate this five bedroom eye-sore (of course in Trademark fashion) and make it a thing of beauty in just five days. But as always, this job comes with a myriad of problems that will keep you wondering how we pull out off!

Please remember Trademark Properties and The Real Deal are now on TLC, so please tune in and let us know what you think – its great to be back! Enjoy!

– Team Trademark

For Immediate Release
April 17, 2007
THE REAL DEALIn THE REAL DEAL, premiering Saturday April 21 at 9pm ET/PT, real estate mastermind Richard C. Davis and his team at Trademark Properties face down a falling housing market and turn property into profit. Each week, Richard and the rest of the Trademark team locate, renovate and profit from the most challenging projects they can find. Together, Richard and Team Trademark pull off what everyone else says is impossible, and they wouldn’t have it any other way. Their secret? Make your money when you buy, get the job done right and get it done fast.

In THE REAL DEAL, premiering Saturday April 21 at 9pm ET/PT, real estate mastermind Richard C. Davis and his team at Trademark Properties face down a falling housing market and turn property into profit. Each week, Richard and the rest of the Trademark team locate, renovate and profit from the most challenging projects they can find. Together, Richard and Team Trademark pull off what everyone else says is impossible, and they wouldn’t have it any other way. Their secret? Make your money when you buy, get the job done right and get it done fast.In each one-hour episode, viewers get an up- close view of how Davis and his staff evaluate properties for investment potential and then inject them with much-needed improvements to maximize their profit. The result is a no-holds-barred look at the realities of real estate, where the stakes are high and the timelines are tight, and a look inside the spirit of teamwork and community spirit that propels Trademark forward. Whether it’s a house that’s been on the market forever, a condo, restaurant or a community project like his old High School concession stand or a monument to a military hero, Richard and Team Trademark do what no one else can, or at least, what no one else has the guts – or heart – to try.

59 Comments on “The House That Wouldn’t Sell – April 21 at 9PM ET/PT On TLC”

  1. Edi Edwards says:

    Richard, Ginger and members of Trademark staff: I am so happy the show is returning. I have grown fond of all of you, especially Ginger and her sweet little dog. Welcome back and good luck with the new show. edi in Arkansas

  2. Scott K says:

    I just have to say that you guys are the absolute best and you are, without a doubt, my favorite show to watch on TV. So glad that you guys are back. Looking forward to Saturday night. Hope the show runs for a long time. You guys deserve it and we as viewers deserve a great show like this. You guys do it the “right way”. Best of luck. I am pulling for you along with alot of other people.

  3. Robin says:

    Not only am I disgusted on how Armando treats people and his family, but also his dog! I saw the end of an episode last week in which he locks his dog in the construction zone of a house OVERNIGHT to deter burglars. The house would have been filled with paint, other chemicals and very dangerous to a dog! He was even shown coming late in the morning to pick the dog up. The poor thing had to have been there well over 12 hours alone and with no bathroom breaks -poor puppy!

  4. dg says:

    Yes! Great news! Much looking forward to the new show.

  5. dickg says:

    great to know that the Trademark crew will be back this Sat Pm ,,LUV Ginger,,& her doggie. Great to have ya’ll back..

  6. Dave G. says:

    Glad the show is back on starting tonight. I’ve already set up the series link on my DVR!

  7. Sip (Tx) says:

    Hey Trademark…LOVE YOU…I was wondering when/if I would see you all again…I just found out about the show and it airs tonight…I have set my DVR to automatically record every episode…just like I did before. LOVE YALL.

  8. Blake says:

    I’m looking forward to tuning in in a few minutes! Good to hear you guys are back.

  9. CJ says:

    Hey y’all, that was a great first show. Very quick flip! But, where’s Kevin? Keep up the good work.

  10. Steve in Texas says:

    Great show, Trademark! By the way, I spammed the show at a blog that I’m well known at that gets about 70,00 hits a day ; )

  11. AGB says:

    I am so glad to see this show. My tv watching hasn’t been the same. I love the views of Charleston, too. Watching the show makes me want to go on vacation down @ IOP!

  12. Steve in Texas says:

    I have to say though, when the cop pulled up with the “siren” on that was totally staged, the siren part anyway. The “siren” part was a production add on. Why? The light bar wasn’t on ; ) Plus, you don’t run a “siren” on a call like that. Still funny though ; )

  13. Amy says:

    So good to see y’all again! Tonight’s show was great and will be sure to tune in every week. Have already passed the word on to family & friends that y’all are back and now on TLC. Congratulations!!

  14. Becky says:

    So glad to see Team Trademark back. Loved the show last night. I hope we will see Kevin in future episodes and Dawn. Great to have y’all back.

  15. Gloria Ciccotelli says:

    So glad to have you back. Having said that, I miss the Team. Dawn, Kevin and John. Ginger looks good with her new look but she isn’t the same as before. Is she the boss now? I see next week Richard isn’t even going to be there, it’s all up to Ginger.

    Look at some of your shows from before and see the comedy you all had together.

    I’am still so glad to have you back and I will be watching every Sat. night.

  16. CAROLYN says:


  17. Lisa says:

    i am sooooo glad you guys are back!! the new show saturday night was great! true to form!! i even watched the repeat at midnight that night! just glad to have you back and have new episodes!! now when are you bringing 2 of my favorite things together??–donal logue and the real deal! didn’t i hear that he was going to be in one of your shows??

  18. Sean says:

    Wonderful to hear Richard and the crew are back? I thought the show was on last night but alas it looks like tonite! Im a long time flipper started in 1985, new home builder and mortgage broker. This crew in Atlanta is a real joke. No experience. I saw the show sat. night. Too many rookie mistakes to mention.

  19. Anita says:

    After watching both Flip this House and The Real Deal, I would never – NEVER – buy a property that Richard Davis had any part of. While the shows are somewhat entertaining, Mr Davis comes across as very arrogant. I understand he has built quite a business, but that does not excuse the way he acts and treats people. And, if I were a contractor in that area, I would never even agree to do ANY work for them. It seems as if on every episode they need 1 weeks worth of work done in one day – TODAY – no excuses. Why would any contractors put themselves into that position???

  20. Luke says:

    I have to say I wasnt too impressed with the new show, ‘Real Deal’. I guess I expected more. I think the shows on A&E will give them a run for their money. I like the Montelongos and the guys up north.

    Further, its not like Trademark is the only real estate team in the country buying distressed property, rehabbing and selling. There are many many folks do the exact same thing.

    I think the RE thing on TV is getting a bit saturated.

  21. Jeff says:

    Saw “Real Deal” on TLC and thought the first commercial baiting viewers to switch over to “Flip This House” on A&E was a pretty desperate and lame attempt by the A&E exec’s to get people to change the channel!

  22. xsandlapper says:

    So glad it’s on!!!! Watching now for the 3rd time. Great shots of Charleston btw.

  23. rick says:

    always alot of fun to watch these redmecks bump into one another!!!!

    here’s a clue: you live in a near tropical zone- there’s always going to be mold@!!!!

  24. Don says:

    Richard and team trademark what a show you were worth waiting for glad your back don’t ever leave us again


  25. Sean says:

    Finally saw the show last night. Cupping in hardwood floor is an installation problem not a moisture problem per se. The reason a floor “cups” there are no gap or spacing left. Best practice in that area would be to leave room for expansion during moist months. Like all year…1/4 inch min. Of course the moisture under the dwelling made a big impact. Get rid of the moisture and create space around the perimeter, instead of spending 15k on new floors. Richard wanted out

  26. clarence in nc says:

    Enjoyed the show, but Ginger didn’t need to look Holloywood in the studio interviews. Missed Kevin and the gang.
    But overall good show and look forward to the season.

  27. Coleen says:

    I caught the Real Deal by accident while I was “Flipping” channels. I am delighted you are back!!! The remote control will look for this channel again.

  28. Julie says:

    I was really excited to watch “Real Deal” because I enjoyed the Trademark team in “Flip This House” so much. I can’t figure out why I was a little disappointed though after watching Real Deal’s premiere. First, I found myself getting bored. Look back at Flip’s Myrtle Beach episode (with hilarious landscaper, Heath), or the James Island house episode. Richard was in charge with a great group of characters around him. Now Richard was somewhat a bumbling sidekicked–got really turned off when he threw stuff in the pool, and really turned off at Ginger’s reaction. Seemed like Ginger’s show. Missed the group from before, like Kevin, John, Dawn…

    I like Flip because you sat back and watched this crew do their thing together, with Richard at the helm. Now it was more like a documentary with Ginger narrating, and occasional, seemingly “forced” appearances from Richard. Unfortunately, I wasn’t entertained like before, got bored, got a little irritated, MISSED whatever worked with Flip This House. Ugh! I’m going to keep watching though, unless I get more bored and irritated.

  29. CRISPY says:


  30. Billy says:

    I am glad the team is back. I would suggest that the new show have more staff from team Trademark, Dawn, Vance, Kevin and Richard brother etc… The old shows were very good and this show was also good too but needs to have more than just Richard and Ginger etc…

    I do not like the new “Flip This House” on AE. Again I am glad the team is back:

    Thank You


  31. Billy says:

    I am glad the team is back. I would suggest that the new show have more staff from team Trademark, Dawn, Vance, Kevin and Richard brother etc… The old shows were very good and this show was also good too but needs to have more than just Richard and Ginger etc…

    I do not like the new “Flip This House” on AE.

    Thank You


  32. Billy says:

    I am glad the team is back. I would suggest that the new show have more staff from team Trademark, Dawn, Vance, Kevin and Richard brother etc…

    I do not like the new “Flip This House” on AE.

    Thank You


  33. Billy says:

    I am glad the team is back.

    I do not like the new “Flip This House” on AE.

    Thank You


  34. Doc says:

    Crispy: the baseball player was named Josh Hamilton. He is now with the Cincinnati Reds.

  35. Jared says:

    I enjoyed the new show a lot. It was great to see Richard and Ginger jump head-first into a complex flip again. I also think the new show is also much better than FTH — the camera work is better, I like it in widescreen, and I even like the cut-away interview segments.

    For everyone concerned about not seeing the rest of the crew — John, Vance, Dawn and Lori aren’t in the promotional pictures for nothing. I’m sure we’ll see them all soon.

    One person I doubt we’ll be seeing is Kevin. He disappeared mid-way through the first season of FTH, and I believe he was even replaced in the opening credits by John. Richard is apparently reading messages here and on IMDB – the Kevin situation has been brought up numerous times and Richard has chosen not to address it. I think it’s safe to say Kevin is gone and won’t be back.

    As for the new show, my only criticism would be this: Richard, please — stop talking about how great you are. You developed a huge following because of southern charm and humility, not bragging that you’re the smartest real estate guy on the planet. You were a little cocky sometimes on FTH, but it never blossomed into full-blown arrogance. That seemed to change with the Joe Jackson special, and the credits for Real Deal are loaded with it. Please, don’t start believing your own press — leave the chest-thumping to Armando Montelongo.

    Beyond that one little gripe, welcome back Trademark and keep up the good work.

  36. Steve in Texas says:

    Great second show, Trademark! But I was a little disappointed that the show ended with an “estimated” profit rather than a “contract” or a sale and a REAL profit! Kinda like “Flip THAT House” on TLC with their “projected profit” (which by the way is for the most part bunk).

  37. Michael says:

    Once again the show was great. I really love the work ya’ll do in such a short time. Congrats on the shoe and GOOD LUCK to the entire team with future investments.

  38. Frances M. says:

    I love the new show. I especially love all the little things Richard says like: “winner, winner chicken dinner” or “you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig”. It was especially funny, on the last episode, when Richard says you have to smell it and breathe it, then the camera cuts to Richard taking a whiff of the tree next to him.

    The show is great, I hope the show comes back for a second season.

  39. Steve Griggs says:

    Richard keeps talking about teamwork, but where’s the Trademark team? Dawn, Lori and John are in the open but either haven’t appeared in the new episodes or were relegated to “cameo” appearences. Also, the new episodes are less involving to the viewer due to more post studio naration and less nat sound of real interaction of the Trademark team.

  40. David says:

    did anyone else see the commercial for the NEW team on Flip this House…they advertised it on TLC DURING “The Real Deal” it said something to the effect that you will like our new team, and its on right now on A&E….

    I thought it was pretty in-your-face…and shows that they seem to be desparate for ratings!

  41. Amanda says:

    My husband and I love the new show! It is different from the last show, but we like it! The only thing that we want to know is if the houses have sold and for how much. We would love to see you in Charlotte, NC!

    Keep up the good work!

  42. Justin says:

    I watched the first season of flip this house as reruns. Suddenly i see the second seaon and realize trademark is gone. So I google and find this website. I found the new show was going to premiere and recorded it (had a wedding). Glad they got a new show. iIlike Team Trademark better then these wannabes A&E hired. Good luck with the show.

  43. CRISPY says:


  44. JW says:

    Re. Kevin: I believe that when Kevin took a vacation with his family that had been scheduled for quite a while and it coincided with one of Richard’s manic, “gotta buy another property and finish it NOW” fits………….that he and Kevin parted company. I worked for a man who had the identical personality (like Richard) for 15 years and he used to pull the same crap on me. He owned the company and I was the COO. After missing many vacations and other special occasions with my wife and kids, I got enough of this kind of manic craziness………….and I think that Kevin did too.
    I enjoy this show but I also see the gigantic ego that overshadows the program.

  45. pam says:

    Just wanted to say how much my son and I enjoy your show. So glad to see you back on the air. We look forward to watching it together and never miss an episode. Keep up the good work! Look forward to seeing more upcoming episodes.

  46. Steve in Texas says:

    BTW, the house they featured on Saturday’s show with an “estimated profit” of $50,000 remains unsold. Someone posted the link at IMDB for it (The Real Deal-2007)

  47. Marijane says:

    Caught an ad about The Real Deal, on TLC. We will follow you guy anywhere. So glad to have you back. Good luck to your new fellow who, we’re sure, hopes to not get overwhelmed too many times by the responsibilities Richard pops his way. Ginger still willing to wear those spiked heels amidst the rubble? No one wants to hear what my husband says, seeing Ginger driving around (still!) with that doggy in her lap. Good luck, to all of you on the Trademark Properties Inc., team.

  48. Diane says:

    WELCOME BACK! You were certainly missed and go glad that you all are back. Tonight will be my first time to see the new episodes, but not worried. I know you will be the same gracious team that you were on Flip This House. I am so anxious as I missed you all so much. Great show and always my favorite. Hope you are all there with your same southern charm and full of laughs for us all! Thanks for a great show!!!

  49. Don Comer says:

    I have just seen your fourth show on TLC and in was great the condo conversion was great have you ever though about teaching how you work through trademark and going around the country if so I would be your first student good luck in the future.

    Don Comer

  50. matt jones says:

    All i have to say is this. If i ever live in charleston, i am buying a trademark home. Their work is well done, and they are a great company. If i was in that industry, i could only be as humble or lucky to ever work for them. I would never buy a house from the Montelongos because some of the houses they buy should be nuked, such as the rat house, and should totally be gutted, BUT NO JUST THROW SOME SPECIAL PAINT is what carlos did. They make them better, but if buyers really knew, they wouldnt be so eager to buy. Good job trademark.

  51. Steve Griggs says:

    It was real nice to see the whole Trademark team on Saturday’s show (5/5/07). I really love the cutaways of Charleston – I sure do miss living in S.C.

  52. fernie says:

    so, Richard Davis(er, I mean Matt Jones), could you BE any more of a suck up to Trademark???

    sorry, but pretty obviously an “insider” comment from our good friends at Trademark.

  53. Kathy says:

    Love the Trademark group and am glad we didn’t lose them forever, however I have to agree with the comments about Richard’s gigantic ego…and if you notice, Ginger is starting to follow in his ego footsteps…..sorry, but I do miss Kevin, he added a lot to the show but since I’m a diehard Trademark fan, I’m glued to the tv on Saturday nights..

  54. Justin says:

    Were you glued tonight?

    I don’t think I can watch it anymore, it’s lost all its personality.

  55. Pam- NC says:

    I was afraid team Trademark had left TV permanently. Enjoy the Real Deal, especially flipping the concession stand tonight. That was great and you all are such “real” characters. Miss seeing Kevin, he was a pistol.

  56. Justin says:


    How can anyone write or say “flipping the concession stand” and not laugh?

  57. Mel says:

    I would never, ever buy a house from you, Richard, and would advise anyone I consider a friend, or even a not-too-sworn enemy, to do (or not do, as the case is here) the same.

    I watched all your shows on A&E and some now on TLC, and still am amazed at your arrogance. In fact I only kept watching to see if you were really as crappy as you seemed. Although you have a superficial charm, the arrogance always shines through. That A&E would air episodes in which you show such contempt for everyone in sight, and yet you still apparently have a “following”, is amazing. Are people this stupid? You insist on unrealistic deadlines, ask the impossible of your contractors and then berate them, and cut corners to finish on time for wholly unreasonable and unnecessary deadlines. You laugh smarmily and say, “Permits? We don’t need no stinking permits.” You ignore local law, believing you are above it. You refuse to get permits, explaining that your large profits make any piddly fine easy to swallow. You work the guys from dawn until, in some cases, midnight, ignoring local laws and showing no consideration for the neighbors of your projects.

    You think your money makes you above the law and not like other people. YOU LACK INTEGRITY. I only hope one day you run up against some local govt that cares more about its own citizens, and upholding the laws and ordinances, than about the questionable celebrity of some smarmy jackass on a tv show being in their midst. Of course we’ll never see it air, but one can dream.

    Just because you were not as difficult to stomach as the other slimeballs A&E featured doesn’t make you a good flipper. As with most things, it’s all relative, and being the best of the mediocre isn’t something to be proud of.

  58. Kay says:

    This household watches you from near Charlotte, NC every week and really enjoy the show , although i must say , for some reason it has changed some since you’ve changed networks,, we also watch that ‘other ‘ show for comparison sake and it nowhere near as good as this one as far as trying to get information, the temperments of the businessmen, or women involved, and I do so love the Carolinas better, LOl, and I have also lived in Texas…

  59. david walter says:

    while i am at it….forget the egotist armando…

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