Melina Montelongo Seeks Actor for Flip This House

I guess we’ve got a Texas Auction scene to look forward to in an upcoming episode:

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Date: August 25,2006 5:41PM CDT

“Flip This House,” a national reality show on the A&E network, is currently in production in the San Antonio area. We’re casting for extras to be a part of a real estate auction. A sense of humor and a can-do attitude are a must. Looking for men and women from ages 21 and up.

This is an unpaid, temporary position – lasting 1 day(September 6,2006 from 5pm to about 7pm) – but whoever we cast WILL be featured on national television.

Must be able to provide your own transportation.

Email us and tell us why YOU should be on TV! (Please attach resumes in the body of your email, and send a headshot or current digital photo if available.)

The Auction will be located at (house) 14111 Bob White on North East side of San Antonio, TX 78217 -Map Quest for directions.

Melina Montelongo
“Live With Passion”

Hat Tip: drlith for finding her Craigslist Posting.

287 Comments on “Melina Montelongo Seeks Actor for Flip This House”

  1. Amy Bliss says:

    To Montelongo Realty, I’m sorry but I have not enjoyed your segiments. I feel that your company is lacking the professional level that it needs to reach that of Trademark. Even as a Texan, I am not impressed.

  2. Steve Griggs says:

    So they’re “staging” an auction? I know there’s always a bit of staging necessary to connect the dots of the true reality in this kind of show, but they couldn’t just go to a real auction like Trademark did?

  3. TJ says:

    Gosh, I do not know what they would need an ACTOR for- except that the show is now a terrible flop and they may need someone who can ACT like they might know what they are doing…
    This show is awful now that Richard and the gang are not doing it…Poor Melina- go find a different show or line of work- maybe you could flip letters on a game show, but you are not good at flipping houses.

  4. Alan says:

    If I wanted to watch scripted “reality” shows, I’d just watch Gene Simmons Family Jewels. But I don’t want to watch a fake reality show, so I don’t watch Family Jewels, nor the new Flip This House.

  5. Bob says:

    Please please get Armondo off of TV, the man treats his employees, his family and his wife like servants. If he truly was a good businessman and a good leader he would know that talking down and threatening his employess, calling up other contractors or his general “my way or no way” is just plain bad business sense. I hope his contractors raise their prices when dealing with Armando he really deserves it!

  6. Big Huee says:

    Dude!!! wuz up with all your crap man…
    I’m from L.A. and I’m a avid fan of your show, but I would like to meet ARMANDO and show him how Cali niggas take care of Business.. I would like 4 him to snatch ICE CREAM from me and see how real men react…

  7. Big Huee says:

    P.S I’m in San Antonio thru 9/29/06

  8. vicki exon says:

    Actually I liked your last show because of your intern, he made me laugh so much and he is so handsome to.. 🙂 I wonder is he going to be on more shows.. His name is Christopher Mendoza is he related to you? I like your show alot and all of you are really cool but are all of you really like that or is it an act?

  9. mario says:

    I think that even offering a no pay appearance is about par for this new group. You probably want some one to mow the grass or wash the truck in gratitude for “starring” in your show. Hmmm. Maybe big louee from cali has a point. How about an auction. To see him clean armandos clock’.

  10. Lurisa says:

    I think if you don’t like what you see on the segments, featuring the Montelongo’s, change the channel. There is alot on Tv that I don’t care for and I just don’t watch it. It’s that simple. I don’t whine about it or make negative comments. I happen to enjoy the Montelongo’s alot. I happen to find the family very entertaining and their show is informative for someone who is learning to flip for profit.

  11. mario says:

    Keep learning but here is some free advice from someone who has done this. Treat all your employees and contractors like somebody you care for and depend on. Or. Well maybe if you belittle and humiliate them like big armando they will love to come out some rainy dismal day and fix your pipes for free . Treat people as you want to be treated

  12. Kristy says:

    I enjoy this show a lot and I love your flips. I think you guys do an amazing job and I’m amazed how much money can be made in TX (houses are really expensive where I’m from). It’s true, Armando can be overbearing. He should definitly be more respectful to his employees. I believe you should treat the garbage man the same way you would treat the Queen of England….I still don’t think that the wives should have to take flack for his actions . I’m a little confused though, why does a reality show need extras?

  13. Paula says:

    i love their show!!!!!!!! i am from tennessee and i think they are great

  14. Kim C. says:

    This show is dreadful. How anyone could say they like this crap is unbelievable, and must have missed watching the first season with Trademark Properties. Seriously, end the pain and get rid of the Montelongos, or do some serious editing.
    Shame on the people who think there is money to be made in Texas and that this is a good show. The money being made is at the expense of the contractors and sub-contractors. No one should have to work for someone like this. What a tool.

  15. louis.palacios says:

    how can you buy the houses for 26K, then flip them, and then sell them back to the owners for 80K? i know you didnt put that much $ into each house. does Armando have scruples? did it look like those people could affored 80K? i hope they dont get their houses foreclosed on. a native SA, Texan

  16. It’s interesting that I received comments on this site particularly. We are so gracious to have the opportunity to be involved with Flip This House. We had no idea that we would be so scrutinized for being part of the second season. We let 1.4 million people into our lives on a regular basis and actually have no control on how we are perceived. Talk about pressure! We agreed to share our adventures and thought that with every episode we would push ourselves in every way and try different things to show America that if we could do it, anybody could. So in reference to the auction; it was another way to achieve the same outcome; To sell the house and make money on our investment. Anybody can do this but who is willing too; and on national television?

    “Substitute?” Hardly. Do you realize that if Richard has been working on his company for twenty years, that I was 8 when he started! Love him or hate him Armando along with David have created, in less than 5 years, a multi-million dollar business that they are willing to put in the spotlight in efforts to prove that the next generation of young people like ourselves don’t have to be undermined because of our age. Don’t you think that would take determination, persistence, and tenacity?

    “Melina- go find a different show or line of work- maybe you could flip letters on a game show, but you are not good at flipping houses.”
    Well TJ, if you would have paid attention I market for the company, and I do a pretty damn good job at it. I am a working mother of two and I work my ass off!

    I cannot comment on every comment that everybody has posted, but I will say this, Thanks for likening me to Vannah White, she’s hot!;) Keep tuning in it gets better!

  17. Steve Griggs says:

    If Mrs. Montelongo is concerned about how viewers perceive them – “we have no control . . .” – then perhaps they needed professional help to advise them on the contract they signed with A&E. Signing away all rights as to how you’re depicted speaks volumes as to the business savvy of this group. But then again, the business savvy of this group is painfully obvious every week.

  18. Hey, we’re not the ones in the middle of a lawsuit.

  19. Sue says:

    With your company lacking any skills and professionalism, I am sure you WILL be in the middle of a lawsuit soon. It is only a matter of time before someone sues you for your unprofessionalism.

  20. James says:

    QUOTE:I cannot comment on every comment that everybody has posted, but I will say this, Thanks for likening me to Vannah White, she’s hot!;) Keep tuning in it gets better!QUOTE

    LOL.Hardly honey. Vanna White does not look like she works in a whore house. aybe you should try flipping brothels…your marketing would come in handy there.

  21. mario says:

    Well well looks like pretty soon the montelongos will have all the privacy the so sorely miss,let’s all hope that a and e execs don’t forget what made the original show such a hit. My bet is on the new show starring the original cast.

  22. Danielle says:

    I can’t believe that you all have this much time on your hands that you can really care this much about how someone else makes money! This is crazy and the reason why so many people and small businesses can’t be successful, because as American’s we never support one another.

    Personally, I love what they are doing on the show. My husband and I are very young and have been on our own straight out of high school. Him and I both admire couples like the Montelongo’s because neither of us want to continue punching a clock everyday for someone else to reap the rewards.

    The Montelongo’s are a very strong family….so please don’t think for one minute that any of these little meaningless comments bothers them. I love the show and I will continue to watch as long as it’s in rotation. The Montelongo’s have sparked an interest in me and my hubby to start flipping properties as well. I pray that we are as succesful as they are in the future.

    Great Job Montelongo’s!

  23. Roberto Montelongo says:

    Hello there, I am a Montelongo from San Marcos Tx. I’m not sure if there is any relation but I like the fact that the Montelongo name is on t.v I have enjoyed the show very much keep up the good work. Maybe we could possibly end up doing some work together, my father has his real estate license and I am working on starting my own construction company. It would be great to hear from y’all. Take care.

  24. Margarita Simmons says:

    All the haters need to get a life!! It’s television and meant to be entertaining!! There’s no need to get personal and mean with your comments. Kudos to the Montelongos for what they do!! Keep it up!! You are a much more interesting group than the Atlanta team. Remember, they are in it to help people AND MAKE MONEY!! The $26K houses were probably being rented at what the house payment is now, so shut up!! and they sold for low to mid-60’s, not 80K.

  25. James wrote:

    QUOTE:I cannot comment on every comment that everybody has posted, but I will say this, Thanks for likening me to Vannah White, she’s hot!;) Keep tuning in it gets better!QUOTE

    LOL.Hardly honey. Vanna White does not look like she works in a whore house. aybe you should try flipping brothels…your marketing would come in handy there.

    James, you have a potty mouth, and obviously know nothing about me.(If you read the whole comment someone else likened me to Vannah White, I didn’t call myself that.)
    I was married to David when I was 18 and was a virgin. We’ve been married now for almost 10 years and have been faithful to each other ever since. Cute huh?
    It’s interesting to see how nobody has a problem crossing the lines of decency but then want to call us unprofessional. Maybe, but that’s why we’re SELF employed.

    JAMES FYI: Unabridged (v 1.0.1) – Cite This Source : WHORE

    –noun 1. a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse, usually for money; prostitute; harlot; strumpet.
    –verb (used without object) 2. to act as a whore.

    you may want to widen your vocabulary horizons.
    Thanks to everyone else who loves the show, I think its fun. A&E just picked us up for 10 more episodes so keep telling me what you think. Good or bad I like to hear everyone’s comments.

  26. Esther says:

    Love the show! You Montelongo’s are hard workers and having fun while doing it – isn’t that what we all aspire to?? Keep on showing America the other side of the Hispanic culture.

  27. Lorena says:

    I love the show!!! It is wonderful to see young hard working latinos accomplish what other people can only dream of. The Montelongo’s are living proof that The United States is the best place to live in. With hard work, these young couples have achieved wealth and better yet, they have become their own bosses. They are exactly what we need to have our children watch on TV. May you continue to have great success on your show. And to all of you haters, your comments are only going to give The Montelongo’s more reason to achieve even higher levels.

  28. Steve Griggs says:

    I guess these posters don’t get the gist of this website.

  29. ANDREW says:


  30. James says:

    Sorry, but I call it like I see it. Your shows lack the professionalism. All I see are a bunch of airheads trying to “act” for the camera..not a true group of investors who are out to show what flipping is all about. I think people would have a LOT more respect for you if you would just tone down the slut wear, the ditziness, and really delve into what real estate investing is all about. We RARELY see work being done, the in’s and out’s of day to day..all we see is some hoochie in bootie shorts running from a rattler…not cute.

    Your show is are all of you.

  31. Dan D. says:

    I just have one comment. Why not feature homes in the $100.000 and up range and stop making San Antonio look like northern Mexico.
    Ya’ll buy these $26,000 houses(you can’t hardly by a new car for 26,000) hire people who can’t speak English, fill the homes with cheap materials (cheap plastic tubs and showers, cheap faucets, compressed wood cabnets and cheap counter tops)-except for your own house-and talk down to your workers
    like if they give you any lip, your going to ship them back to Mexico. You have a national stage to stand on and this is the best you can do. I think i’m going to start telling people i’m from Austin.

  32. Rudy says:

    All these haters should just change the channel. You all are just jealous that Mexicans are on TV and are making lots of money. So what if they have a different style than the group from South Carolina. The Montelongos are young and more hip than the old and boring group from SC. Those who call them unprofessional, just shut up. This is for ratings. Its for people who dont want to see old boring people buying and flipping houses. I dont know about you but I think the wives on this show are FINE!!!! Yeah their approach is a little different from what some fortune 500 company’s would use but who cares. Isn’t the whole point to make money? Man you people should just watch Leave it to Beaver and shut up!!

  33. Elizabeth says:

    I actually love the concept of Flip This House. I think Melina is very well spoken and has great decorating taste. However, I have to agree that the main guy (Armondo) is very unprofessional and condescending, even to his own family. He sure talks down to his employees (Melina too!)! While they sell houses & make big money, I wouldn’t necessarily call that success. Whether it’s due to “bad” editing or whatever, the man doesn’t appear to have any integrity. He may have a lot of money, but I bet he’s hurt a lot of people to get where he is. Makes for disappointing TV, which is why I no longer watch the show.

  34. James says:

    Rudy wrote:

    All these haters should just change the channel. You all are just jealous that Mexicans are on TV and are making lots of money. So what if they have a different style than the group from South Carolina. The Montelongos are young and more hip than the old and boring group from SC. Those who call them unprofessional, just shut up. This is for ratings. Its for people who dont want to see old boring people buying and flipping houses. I dont know about you but I think the wives on this show are FINE!!!! Yeah their approach is a little different from what some fortune 500 company’s would use but who cares. Isn’t the whole point to make money? Man you people should just watch Leave it to Beaver and shut up!!


  35. ELAINE says:


  36. Rudy says:

    James wrote:

    Rudy wrote:

    All these haters should just change the channel. You all are just jealous that Mexicans are on TV and are making lots of money. So what if they have a different style than the group from South Carolina. The Montelongos are young and more hip than the old and boring group from SC. Those who call them unprofessional, just shut up. This is for ratings. Its for people who dont want to see old boring people buying and flipping houses. I dont know about you but I think the wives on this show are FINE!!!! Yeah their approach is a little different from what some fortune 500 company’s would use but who cares. Isn’t the whole point to make money? Man you people should just watch Leave it to Beaver and shut up!!


    James, Dont be upset just because you work at McDonalds. Your title is flip this burger!!! Who made you the T.V. Cop? This show is on A&E not home and garden. Did you miss that. What is so poor about how they represent the culture? I dont agree with you. They are business people. So you dont like them. Then like I said change the channel to home and garden. Bob Villa isn’t on A&E James, or should I say Ronald McDonlad.

  37. Dan D Wrote: “Why not feature homes in the $100.000 and up range and stop making San Antonio look like northern Mexico.
    Ya’ll buy these $26,000 houses(you can’t hardly by a new car for 26,000) hire people who can’t speak English, fill the homes with cheap materials (cheap plastic tubs and showers, cheap faucets, compressed wood cabnets and cheap counter tops)-”

    Great point Dan D. When you buy houses at such a reasonable amount you’re able to purchase more houses at a time. When you spend less on the rehab you make more in the sell. You have to remember we’re not real estate agents, each house is an INVESTMENT. We’re always taking the ARV (After Repair Value) into consideration. What can the neighborhood hold? What are the comps? If you put too much into the rehab it doesn’t make a larger profit. If someone doesn’t like it they don’t have to buy it. Although you and I may not want to live in these homes, to some families these houses are palaces!
    “Northern Mexico?” EXACTLY! We WANT to help out rough neighborhoods! Imagine if thousands of investors could come in and help rebuild San Antonio!

    Whats wrong with speaking Spanish! I wish I spoke it fluently. Imagine how hard it is for those contractors to find other jobs with not speaking English fluently. They are ahead of the game though by hustling anyways and being self employed!
    I do like your suggestion of featuring houses over $100,000, only if the numbers work!
    We did find an awesome house in the Dominion that needed a lot of renovation, who knows?

  38. youknowwho says:

    This flop of a show and volumes of hands raised in agreement that you are all the bile of the San Antonio area is your karmic destiny for being rude, haughty and proud and treating everyone else like lesser persons. One big ha ha, in your faces.

  39. youknowwho says:

    And as for you not being in a lawsuit, you should be. What about that poor guy in Austin whose $10k you ran out with when you moved back (unfortunately) to San Antonio? Oh well, guess he knows where to find you now.

  40. James says:

    Rudy Tudy,
    Are you a bit jaundiced? Why harbour such animosity towards Mr. McDonald. I am sure this is what your children dine on nightly. Don’t hate. Well, no more wasting my time. YOU are the only one that seems to like this show anyways…becuase you are a LOSER!

    Oh, and pick up a dictionary if you can’t comprehend such big words!!

  41. Rudy says:

    James wrote:

    Rudy Tudy,
    Are you a bit jaundiced? Why harbour such animosity towards Mr. McDonald. I am sure this is what your children dine on nightly. Don’t hate. Well, no more wasting my time. YOU are the only one that seems to like this show anyways…becuase you are a LOSER!

    Oh, and pick up a dictionary if you can’t comprehend such big words!!

    I picture a mid 40’s bald overweight fat man. Thats how you look right? Oh, I forgot, a white pointed hood too. Do your children know your racist? Well I’m sure they do and they will be too.
    Good luck in your pointless life!

  42. James says:

    Rudy wrote:

    James wrote:

    Rudy Tudy,
    Are you a bit jaundiced? Why harbour such animosity towards Mr. McDonald. I am sure this is what your children dine on nightly. Don’t hate. Well, no more wasting my time. YOU are the only one that seems to like this show anyways…becuase you are a LOSER!

    Oh, and pick up a dictionary if you can’t comprehend such big words!!

    I picture a mid 40’s bald overweight fat man. Thats how you look right? Oh, I forgot, a white pointed hood too. Do your children know your racist? Well I’m sure they do and they will be too.
    Good luck in your pointless life!

    LOL. Nope, you pictured me wrong, the image in your head must be your latest fantasy since your fat ass can’t get a man! Did you get that dictionary out oh ignorant one?? ROFLMAO!!

  43. Jenny Torres says:

    Montelongo’s love your show. I live in Los Angeles, CA. I tune in when I can and can’t wait to see the next 10 episodes.

  44. LOL Rudy and James, I’m tuning in just to see what you guys are going to say to each other next! You guys crack me up!

  45. JAMESHATER says:

    James , it seems like you have WAY TOO MUCH time on your hands to be responding to so much email……..i agree with RUDY.if you dont like what you see, change the channel, other wise SHUT UP, with your smart ass remarks!!! You’re getting on my nerves and I’m sure on every one elses!!!!!And to Melina, I think you guys are great, but I have to agree with Elaine’s comments on Armando, he seems like a A+ asshole,and i dont really think he can be professional on or off the camera…….I was pissed off on the episode where he decided to get the “beer girls” , and cannot figure out why in the hell Veronica didnt get more pissed off at Armando,at that very moment,that little idea of his made your business look BAD, and very unprofessional…..Now your husband David , Ican honestly say i think he’s the professional of the two….I admire the way he stood up to Armando, and told him like he saw it……..on the very first episode…….Anyway…you guys are great, and Melina I don’t listen to any of that crap other people post out…you keep on doing what you’re doing!!!!


  46. gene says:

    James, I think you’re the lunatic!!!!The show is great!!!!!!Keep up the good work guys!!!!!!

  47. gene says:

    Hey cunt, I finally figured you out. You’re gay!!! Thats why you don’t find Melina and Veronica attractive. You boy lover. I think Its time for you to stop spending your McDonalds pay checks on gay porn and move out of your Moms basement. You say Melina and Veronica lack professionalism and would get more respect if they toned down the slut wear? Well you lack professionalism and respect. You are a poor excuse for a human. All you’ve done is leave vulgar comments. Nobody is impressed with your vocabulary either so put the thesaurus away.

  48. Rudy says:

    Hi, Melina. I think your hot. I’ve seen your modeling pictures and I’m impressed. I know I’m gonna get a lot of heat for this comment and this is my own personal opinion. I think you are the most attractive woman on TV. I think you should consider doing movies. (Hollywood) You’re just as attractive as Eva Longoria so why not. Are you all Spurs fans? Just thought I’d ask.

  49. James says:

    LOL. Good to see there is more than one loser who digs this show. You freaks can have each other…don’t respond to my email, no tears are falling )The show is a joke, as is all it’s followers! C-ya freaks on TLC!!!

  50. Maria says:

    This show is not going to last. I love hoe Armondo “claims” he came rolling into Texas with nothing to his name when his daddy owns one of the largest renovation companies there…it was all handed to him on a silver platter, don’t pull that “work” hard ethic with me.


    You have to remember we’re not real estate agents, each house is an INVESTMENT.

    They WHY are you listed under real estate brokers in the phone book..and WHY is the company called Montelongo Real Estate Solutions?? Unless this is daddies as well.

  51. james says:

    Gene- Nope, sorry I can’t fulfill your fantasy either…I am straight..I just perfer my women with class.

    Rudy- You are smoking crack honey..Eve Longoria!! HAHAHAHA. I had the best laugh off that one. Hey, as much as you are creeping up melina’s ass, I think YOu my dear at the carpet muncher…lol

  52. Higher Standards says:

    Cheesy rebuilds, pompous attitudes and whorish money-grubbers. Lovely. Just what America needs to idolize on TV. Tell us, are all Texans arrogant, pretentious and superficial or is that merely a Montelongo trait? In another forum I noticed the phrase ‘Hooters skanks’ and with a pot of lip gloss, hot comb and some dainty kitten sandals I guess it’s not hard to see where the phrase comes from. A&E, you’ve managed to lower the world’s opinion of Americans in one fell swoop. You must be SO proud.

  53. youknowwho says:

    Higher Standards wrote:

    Cheesy rebuilds, pompous attitudes and whorish money-grubbers. Lovely. Just what America needs to idolize on TV. Tell us, are all Texans arrogant, pretentious and superficial or is that merely a Montelongo trait? In another forum I noticed the phrase ‘Hooters skanks’ and with a pot of lip gloss, hot comb and some dainty kitten sandals I guess it’s not hard to see where the phrase comes from. A&E, you’ve managed to lower the world’s opinion of Americans in one fell swoop. You must be SO proud.

    These guys just don’t know what they are doing or who they are. Period. They think that class means wearing cheap whore “cute” outfits. I think they should go back to mexico.

  54. aubie says:

    The problem I have with the show is its boring you do more acting and yelling than fixing the problem at hand.I also do this for a living I do not degrade my employees or any contractor I hire I do get frustrated but we work through the problem and get the house fixed!The reason Trademark properties was sucessful they did not do alot of B.S. who wants to watch your wife throw water on you!Most people want to watch a house come back to life and to see what is involved in the process. Your show sucks and I turn it everytime I see you.I tell you what come to Alabama and try to pull some of the crap here and after you get your a– kicked we will send you packing.

  55. lb says:

    I guess Trademark is getting on the
    entertainment bandwagon as well. Tonight’s episode had Nosal, the other girl(with a rather revealing cleavage) and Richard jumping into a pool after pulling out stakes for a deck.
    I appreciate A&E capitalizing on the hispanic influence-it’s about time!

  56. Frances says:

    The person with the mean words has just shown it’s digraceful manner’s- Be proud of these young people-At least they are not sitting around waiting for a hand out.Calling a married woman names-Shame on you!!!-what do you know about this woman! What kind of life are you leading? Don’t judge-That is God’s job–not yours-ever been told if you can’t say anything nice SHUT THE HELL UP! I enjoy the show and look forward to the fireworks each episode.

  57. J.J says:

    QUOTE:Don’t judge-That is God’s job–not yours-ever been told if you can’t say anything nice SHUT THE HELL UP!

    I don’t think that is the exact phrase, it is more like if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything…a nice god fearing christian woman like yourself should no this. Preaching GOD and HELL in the same sentence…I had a good laugh though.

    QUOTE:I guess Trademark is getting on the
    entertainment bandwagon as well. Tonight’s episode had Nosal, the other girl(with a rather revealing cleavage) and Richard jumping into a pool after pulling out stakes for a deck.
    I appreciate A&E capitalizing on the hispanic influence-it’s about time!

    So what? You won’t find that in every episode by any means…they know what real estate investing is all about. I think if A&E wanted to capatalize on an hispanic influence, they are doing a POOR job representing.

  58. Melissa says:

    Did you see the episode last night, not sure if it was a re-run, but it had a clip of Melina “riding” a shopping cart into the hardware store…I am not sure about you guys, but I have not done this since I was 12 years old…and they call this professional…HA

  59. Paul says:

    Great show guys keep up the good work hope to see alot more of your show.

  60. Alexander says:

    Never trust a family who kill their own best friends.

  61. evelyn says:

    I love your show guys, but i would like to advice armando to stop treating his employees like trash i really think that he is the one making the show look bad,

  62. Adam says:

    I totally disagree, I’m a investor in California. And know what Armando has to go through on a daily basis. Everyone who watches these kind of shows whatch them because they want to learn at least one thing right? Learn how to negotiate. He’s great! This is one of the hardest things to do in the buisness, he seems to have mastered the art. Armando is not making the show look bad. I was a fan of Trademark, and when the new shows came out I was pleased because this was exciting to watch. From what I can tell love him or hate him you are wathcing to see what he will do next. You all are hooked. I’ve have been screwed by contarctors and had to take care of buisness. I’m sure if a contractor walked out with $15,000 of your money you would be pissed off too. Now multiply that by how many homes they do. They swimming with a bunch of people who spend their money before payday. Put yourself in our line of work and lets see how you do. I’m guessing not so well, if you think you are going to charm them with cookies and milk. You are wrong!!!!!

  63. Jennifer Macias says:

    Hey Melina, coming from someone who’s new to the business I find your show to be very informative and entertaining as well. I live about 3 hrs. away from San Antonio and have been seriously thinking about looking you guys up to get a few pointers. Keep up the good work. There’s always going to be haters! God Bless.

  64. Chey says:

    Well, well, well ….I’m truely laughing my butt of at all you pissers and moaners. I’m sitting here in total disbeliefe at your shear ignorance of this business, you people obviously do not have a clue! I’m soooooooo glad I kept reading and finally read someone’s comments that hit the nail on the head! (Adam’s comments)Say what you will about the Montelongo’s, the US constitution affords you that right, however as your spewing your ignorance all over the place, about things of which you know nothing, remember these two things … The Montelongo’s are reading these comments, laughing their asses off ON THE WAY TO THE BANK!!! One additional thing, don’t waste your time answering my comment, because, like the Montelongo’s … if you think I give a rat’s ass what you think ….. duh!! think again LMAO Kudos to you Montelongo’s!

  65. Steve Griggs says:

    I still can’t figure out why all these folks who love the new “Flip This House” people are posting on a website created and maintained to track a lawsuit that would ultimately do away with them? The posts are amusing, but surely one of you “brainiacs” can figure out how to create a “I love the Montelongo’s” website or how to email the A & E network.

  66. hector from houston says:

    The MONTELONGOS are my idols.You guys are great.

  67. Albert says:

    Hey guys. The old saying “there is no such thing as bad publicity” really works here. Whether they love you or hate you, they are watching the show. My wife and I LOVE the show. I too think Armando is a little over the top, maybe for the sake of TV or thats the way he really is but no one is forced to work for him. Good luck on the rest of the shows.

  68. A.j. says:

    Armando what are the first most important steps and procedures in entering the investing part of realestate? from Houston,tx

  69. Yeah right. says:

    Wow, suddenly a posting overload of positive comments. I especially found “Chey”s comment particularly fascinating. Although assuredly related to the Montelongo creepshow, no one cares about a family that they don’t know like that. Unless of course there is a history of wonderful television veiwing, which this show does not possess. So, I am LMAO too, but this time at you cousin to the personality starved Montelosers.

    And as for Adams comment: ‘you are wathcing to see what he will do next. You all are hooked’… uh, no one is watching after one episode, that is why they are posting NEGATIVE comments and saying that they WILL NOT watch again..

    Its hard to find any worthy morsel of good food in a pile of vomit.

  70. Melissa says:

    Amen to that. I could not have said it better myself. I watched ONE eposiode..and puked halfway through it and had to turn on something else. It is so fake, flamboyant, and it makes a mockery of what Trademark was. I wish they would change the name so poor Richard and he gang would not have to be associated with a bunch of low-life creeps. I hope they get canceled, then I will be LMAO too! 🙂

  71. Rolando Mota says:

    First and for most”I will like to respect all your guys comments ,’Positive or negative’ I enjoy watching the show but the persons who we should be giving credit to are the ” Illegal workers that come from NUEVO LAREDO to work in texas these guys are charging Mr.Armando petty cash to make his homes flip’He is a perfect target of a LAWSUIT waiting to happen ‘STRESS ON THE JOB first and second is he HIGH???cause his always wearing glasses to cover his eyes???maybe thats it??To the rest of his team Knowledge is POWER you guys have what it takes DITCH Armando !!Cause it appears money is more important to him than you guys”Melina You are Georgeous I love your true self no Hollywood act like I see in my town..And last to Armando’s partner I respect you BROTHER You were raised by the right people ‘Like Benito Juarez El Respeto Ajeno es la Paz”God Bess You Brother ”

  72. Adam says:

    Rolando Mota, sounds like you are the one thats in love with pot. You, your slang, and your assumtions can take a hike. Knowledge is power. The knowledge I guarantee came from Armando. That’s where the power is. The team would be fools to split from what obiously has taken them all to the top. Like I said before, it is a show. Find the humor, don’t take things so personal. Most people are intimidated by people like Armando, but he is a buisness man. It is what it is. In buisness you do the things people do not want to do. Like work hard! Work Smart! And like Armando, get the ratings, simply genius!!!!

  73. Brian says:

    Coming from someone who has flipped property for years, I find it hard to believe that an A-HOLE like Armondo could accomplish anything with his subs. He is a dick. And his wife and all her friends are just money hungry groupies.

  74. Terri says:

    You guys, get real, already! It’s a tv show, for crying out loud, not your mother’s honor! Trademark Properties episodes were good, and I enjoyed them (I’m in NC). The Montelongos are just as fun to watch. Even if I don’t agree with some of the things EITHER TEAM does or says, I don’t hate bash them. Live and let live, and if you don’t like what you see just turn the channel.

  75. Leticia M. says:

    Well after reading all these comments some negative and some positive I thought I should put my two cents in this board of craziness. I strongly disagree with all those people who are saying negative things about the Montelongo’s and the show. I feel proud to be a hispanic from Texas.These young people have the dream of all dreams– to be successful and not punch a time card day in and day out. They work hard for what they want and go out there and do it! I think many people in the “white” corporate world can’t stand to see a “minority” be successful and own a successful company which was started from the bottom and has achived such success in a short amount of period. Armando,Veronica,David and Melina, my husband and I love your family and the show! You are a great role model for young people(especially hispanic) everywhere.You teach them that you can reach the stars and beyond with determination and strong will! And as for all the negative people who say that they don’t like the show—–HELLO!!!! change the damn channel!!!!! LOL ,to be honestly–I think you are in denial! You know you love the show, you will feel better if you just admit it! Honestly, you would! Seriously, come on people, it really is just TV, you know entertainment,It is not the end of the world if you don’t like it,so don’t get all grey haired and have a heart attack if you don’t like it—-DONT WATCH! MONTELONLGOS–KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK AND SHOW!

  76. william p. says:

    I feel the show where you guys flipped the whole block did more good than any of the extreme makeover home edition shows.
    What you did in giving the tenants a chance to buy back was great. I personally felt ashamed for those people.
    GOOD JOB!!!

  77. Livinlarge says:

    Figures a “minority” would cry make a racist comment. This is why there is racism in america, not because of the white people. it is because of people like Leticia and her negative comments. What us in the “white” corporate world would like to see is a minority being successful without crying racism and acting like people are holding them down! This is AMERICA! Racism stops with the racists like yourself.

  78. kbaay says:

    Armondo is a jerk, especially to the contractors…. The homes flipped turn out ok…

  79. Adam says:

    Armando’s not a jerk. He displays a great way to negotiate. Try being in the buisness, see how many times you get screwed. Again, he’s probably had his share of contractors running off with his money, and is trying to show the audience how to negotiate, so the same doesn’t happen to you.

  80. beth taylor says:

    I think your show is great!!I am a single mom in North Alabama, and this is my dream!!Armando is brillant!!I am learning so much! Keep up the good work!!!I hope to see you all for many season’s to come!!Too bad all of the Montelongo men are taken!!

  81. marcedro says:

    As far as the person who claims people are “jealous to see Mexicans on tv”……..what a joke! First of all, you wouldnt even know they were Mexican if not for their name. Anyone ever notice how they treat the contractor Sergio and his crew? As if they are beneath them or something. The Montelongos are soo deracinated so don’t go bragging about being “happy” there are Mexicans on tv. Aside from all that, nobody gives a damn if they are Mexican anyway (how do you know they aren’t Cuban)!LOL

    They need to learn some respect and how to treat people, because karma works in mysterious ways and when we least expect it!

  82. AMoore says:

    I think the last company featured on Flip This House seemed more like they actually cared about people, the buyer as well as their contractors and employees. I used to never miss an episode! These new guys, seem to always be rude to who’s working for them, and they seem to be on somewhat of a high horse. It also seems like the wives are there to be somewhat of “eye candy”,because they seem completely worthless for anything else. The very few times they have been required to do something, Armando shot down their suggestions or ideas immediately.

  83. Kim says:

    Hi Melina,
    I just want to say that my husband and I love the show and look foward to watching the new episodes.
    I also find it very educational, I have learned so much from watching you guys and it has inspired me. Armondo may appear to be a hard ass sometimes but he sure knows how to make money and has great business sense. I think you guys are great. and I wish you much more success in the future.

  84. Jim wilson says:

    I’m watching the show right now and I just have to say that these Montolongo’s are the cheesiest, tackiest people I have ever seen in my life.

    And, surprise, one of the (the tackiest one of them all) drives a Hummer.. UGH!

    The problem with these people is not the properties they pick or that they are from Texas or whatever….

    It’s that they have NO CLASS! What a bunch of total cheeseballs…

    That tacky picture they had made of themselves.. UGH! That just sums it all up. Total media cheese!!!!

    Also, could there BE a little more hair gel in every Montelongo’s head???? TACKY!!!

    I want to THROW UP!

  85. Me Myself and I says:

    Armando and crew show what its like to driven by greed and very little else. If you noticed how instead of paying the 20K to get a job done right and pull the permits needed in the roach house episode, he took advantage of the construction crew, tried to cut corners, and chewed out his own brother who saved that house from utter ruin. All for the almighty dollar. Trademark, while out for the big bucks, also does a LOT for the community as a whole as well as show some good friendship with his crews.

  86. Jim wilson says:

    Yes!! And they totally took advantage of that lady who bought the Roach House!

    They apparently acted as the sole agent on the property so they are going to get all the commission.

    Also, I’m sure that the property disclosure form will NOT represent everything that has happened to that house…

    I’m waiting for someone who buys one of their properties to experience problems (or just watch the show) and then file a lawsuit saying that what they represented on the disclosure list doesn’t even match what was on TV…

    Would serve them right.

    Here’s the form… It has several areas that say “previous damage”… wonder how those forms get filled out by the cheeseballs?

  87. Norma says:

    When I first starting watching your show I thought it was pretty cool, knowing that your guys were from Texas. Guess nobody ever told Armando Montelongo “Treat people the way you would like to be treated, and “If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything alot”.

  88. George says:

    I am a contractor in Alabama and love your show. Having done some flipping myself, I can say your show is realisitc and the personalities involved make it enjoyable.
    Based on some of the comments I’ve read, it appears there might be some jealousy amoung some of the other viewers. Why? You are making it appear to be easy to make fast money. Those not in the business are not aware of the many small problems contractors face on a daily basis. And, no doubt, many of these problems, because of program air time, are not mentioned on your show.
    Finally, a word to all viewers who dislike the show: Pick up the remote and switch the channel.
    As far as I’m concerned, viewing your show is more intertaining than the majority of the other reality shows.
    Keep up the good work. A viewer.

  89. bruce says:

    That Armando is a piece of work. The way he treats everyone is pathetic. If I were one of his contractors, I’d crap on that expensive car of his.

  90. robbed says:

    Hey Melina – your brother is a car thief! You guys S-U-C-K!!

  91. Mike5511 says:

    Hey “robbed” ,
    How do you know Melina’s brother? Did you used to be married to him?
    It’s not a matter of being robbed it’s a matter of jealousy and pure bitterness for all the terrible things that YOU keep attracting. It’s not theft it’s Karma.
    Little Miss Kay with the little t-back.

  92. BobV says:

    robbed, how do you know Melina’s brother?
    Were you married to him at one time?
    Are you really Natasha?

  93. BobV says:

    robbed did you used to work at a little place named Sugar’s?
    It’s not a matter of theivery, it’s a matter of jealousy, isn’t it?

  94. Joe says:

    Hey guys and gals, your show is great. the fact that you started with next to nothing and then got to were you are is a true inspiration. Eventually i would like to do a flip once i figure out how to get started. Some of these people think Armando is a jerk and they are entitled to there opinion but what they don’t realise is that if you are a “softy” in business people will pick up on that and walk all over you. It is my dream to do house flips and maybe some day i will get the chance. Keep up the GREAT WORK.

  95. Sean says:

    These posts are a proven testament that when someone in a minority group has some success somebody will always have a problem with it. Its ok cause they will only get richer. And i hope it burns you haters to the core.

  96. Jim J says:

    Before I saw this show, I considered A&E to be a higher caliber network. They really damaged their brand with this one. Click!

  97. Susan O says:

    Passion, Values in Family and the love of a challenge – that’s what I like about you show. I enjoy the soft and hard edges of the show. You are living the American Dream and I’m happy for you. My husband and I have been wanting to something like you and in the same area and you have given us the energy to take the plunge. Keep doing what you love and hoping everyone can do something they love in life too. As for Armando – stay true to yourself and keep taking care of your family – your passion is true and deep. Keep your fingers crossed for us to be as successful as all of you. Melina you and the rest of the family are the icing on the cake. take care,

  98. David says:

    Armondo,……grease ball, you have no tallent but to dictate and not work, and you have to understand, when you have three opponets, and you insist, your not respecting the rules of engagement, must be a bit bypollor (?)

  99. Vicky says:

    Personally, I enjoy the show. I don’t really care who is doing the flipping, whether it’s Richard and his crew from Trademark or the Montelongo family; I’m very impressed with all of them. They have a gift for turning an eyesore into a desirable home, and they turn a profit while they’re at it … two birds, one stone. Having rolled into town on their last tank of gas five years ago and now to be as successful as they are, I certainly think the Montelongo’s are doing something right. Keep up the good work!

  100. Brian says:

    Sean wrote:

    These posts are a proven testament that when someone in a minority group has some success somebody will always have a problem with it. Its ok cause they will only get richer. And i hope it burns you haters to the core.

    It is always about racism…if they were PURPLE they would STILL be losers…

  101. Dashuri says:


  102. JIll says:

    I really enjoy the show, i also feel that you are helping our neighborhoods that need the help. When you buy a home in that market, those people can not fix it up, either because of ability or money. So keep up the work, and do not listen to those who just do not get it.

  103. Jerry says:

    Ditch Armando. If MY wallet was as big as his ego….

  104. Gregg says:

    Its a good thing they live in Texas, they could not make a dime in AZ or CA.

  105. Desire17 says:

    Ok first of all I really think the show is great and has really inspire me into the house investment. I always was interested in doing it but could never get enough courage to do it. After watching your show it has made me really want to do it. Your show has been a real motivation to me. And as for all the ugly remarks about the show I think they are just jelouse because if they complaint so much about it why watch it…….People you need to get a life and start being happy for other people that are doing great. Good things come to those that don’t hate on others but rather are happy for them. Remember no one is perfect in character everyone has their faults so don’t go pointing fingers when you have three pointing back at you.


  106. Alonzo says:

    Hey Montelongo’s.

    Keep on doing with your show what your business is all about. Like some others I think Melina is smokin’ hot!! Makes for good TV viewing.

    I’m not all that crazy about Armondo but I feel he has the bottom line in mind (someone has to) but seems to be a little stubborn with the checkbook. Hey, that’s business.

    It would be nice to see someone like Sergio start his own show where he works with other flippers in the San Antonio area.

    Overall, this show inspires younger people to get out there and try being self-employed for themselves. I love the inspiration and energy the show has with it. Actually all 3 groups tend to do good work. Richard and Trademark definitely work on the higher end homes, while the Atlanta group and the Montelongo’s work on the moderate homes.

    Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing your next 10 episodes!!

  107. armando is a good hustler, he knowes his shit, he has a hot wife who i would love to bang doggy style. i want to get into real estate investing becasue i hate my job and my ape monkey ass boss. nothing can beat being over own boss and reporting to no one, all you haters can suck a big pakistani dick.

  108. Gene says:

    The new season on A&E is just a joke. (Both ATL and SA) When you have to put out an ad for extras for a scene … CMON
    The SA one is really bad. If he grabbed something out of my hand like that .. He’s be laying on the ground soon after.

    I can’t wait for THE REAL FLIP THIS HOUSE to show up on TLC!

    Enough of the Wannabe Texans and useless Georgians (That show makes me PUKE)

  109. Carrin says:

    Armondo is a first class sexist pig. He is a bully, he is lazy, he is in love with himself. Pity the guys who have to work with him. UGH!

  110. Armando sucks says:

    Armando is a first-class a$$hole. I just watched your crappy for the first and last time. I’m still trying to figure out why he is so in love with himself. If he was as condescending to me as he is everyone else, he’d be a bigger mud hole than the one that swallowed his piece of chit F-150.

    How about this, Armando? I’ll do 5 push-ups to everyone one of your two. What do you say, prick?

  111. John says:

    Just viewed the “Roach House” episode;and purplexing question for the Montelongo clan.Why not replace those cheap ass; metal cabinets that were infested with roach droppings.i noticed you bombed the joint with over the counter pesticides(which you did carlessly; and have no residual effect for long term control) and as you well arent aware; roaches breed salmonella;hepatitis; and other nasty diseases;and cleaning and painting wont remove them; and also you cant paint and clean behind the hinges; (thats where they hide because they are noctournal.You made a resonable attempt to make a crap house nice; but for a few hundred dollars more; cabinets would of been a nice addition; and a few hundred dollars never made or break anybody.(btw i am also self employed and i know how hard it is to make it and save it!!!) A& E are you listening????????

  112. suzi says:

    I find Armando to be a disgusting slime. No one in San Antonio should do business with him. The way he treats people is apalling, his wife and Melina especially. He consistently makes them seem pitiful and weak. It is so disturbing, I had to turn off the show. Veronica and Melina should start their own company, I bet they’d be successful, independent women if they would stop playing the role of Armando’s door mats.

  113. Sage says:

    Armondo and his family are going to be sued! First for not disclosing the horrible conditions of thier houses to the buyers. Any buyer who would find out how he covered up extreme problems in the house would sue his ass in a second! Also he treats contractors with no respect and doesn’t even pay them sometimes, hello the work they do is on camera, you have to pay them or they can sue!
    This is why you need realtors people! To protect you from ass holes like this self loving swindler. How can he sleep at night with himself and how can his wife put up with him! Karma will get him, what goes around comes around!!!

  114. Claudia says:

    To ALL of U. PROPS!!!!!!
    I truly enjoy the show. The fact is that it is a REALITY show with real estate info. Disect all the editing to get the worst of the cast and the show is TRUE. You can make your american dream happen and this family regardless of how they portray them on screen have managed to make a company for their future generations. That is not an easy task so. Yes, Armando may have his bad moments but I am sure that when you need to deal with lack of production and keep it real that if you do not get a job done, your family is not getting paid, which equals= food, clothing, childcare, and vacations. No one gets there without hardwork…and even tho they are on TV, I am sure there days are long and strenous. THe girls must miss their children and wishing they could spend time with them rather than filming… but once again, they are family and if that’s what it takes to make their business more successful… They’ll continue on, even after the show is long over with…Viva los Montelongo’s. We (hispanics) are very proud. Much more success, from the Cuban Mexican girl in Miami.

  115. Sage says:

    Whatever, Hispanics should be outraged. You want to be portrayed as greedy assholes. Then go for it. I don’t want to hear about hispanics being the minority anymore either! Not in San Antonio! HEllo, the majority of people in SA are hispanic!

    The Montelongos are still going to get thier ass sued and lose all thier money, so I don’t see what kind of successful business that could be.

  116. This show has become a joke!!Can Armando get any fatter? and the way he treats his workers is disgusting! I just watched the show where he threw away his workers ice cream bar. What an ass. I would NEVER do business with these people. They are ruthless and as a hispanic i am embarrassed the call them one of my own. their parents must be so “proud”.

  117. Etrev says:


  118. Ariane says:

    Hello, all the way from Winnipeg, Canada…

    I would just like to say that despite all the negative comments posted here, I think these people have done a fantastic job and wish them well in the future of their company. It is really nice to see such TALENTED people giving their very BEST for AMERICA to be apart of. A lot of these comments have given a lot of insight on how much people love to hate those who are doing good not only for themselves but the rest of society. These neighborhoods have been revamped and should be viewed in a more positive light. Keep up the excellent work Montelongos. I love and enjoy your show!

  119. Femi says:

    I think it is a great show. True Armando is an a$$#@|& but someone has to be. He started from the bottom and built something sucessful. And best of all he includes his family. Everyone in the family plays their role and it works well. I do home loans now but in the near future plan on moving into flipping homes. So instead of spending my time hating I have a pen and pad taking notes. Ps, Veronica is beautiful. I think alot of people are jealous. The saying goes “Don’t be a hater, Be a congratulater.” If you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all. Keep up the good work.

  120. gabby says:

    This show really gets on my nerves! Especially Armando he thinks he is the best, when he reall isnt. He treats everybody like crap, and he is cheap. He takes advantage of his workers,I dont know why people even work for him! He is ugly and fat and he needs to take his attitude somewhere else, I dont watch this show anymore because of Armando, I hope A&E decides to show someone else flipping houses pretty soon.

  121. Andre says:

    I Love your Show keep it up Armando too bad I live up in the North East this Latino has the desire and passion to do what you Guys do in San Antonio,TX Soy Latino como Usted Quisiera trabajar en lo mismo aca pero con la experiencia suya y ensenansa tambien estoy por pasar el Examin Estatal para conseguir mi lisencia de Bienes y Raices aca en New York if you have a move some where close to me in New York area please send me a reply message I will sure join your team in an blink of an Eye I am a Hard working individual with the desire to make serious doe Gracias.

  122. JOANN SMYTHE says:


  123. Flipin tha bird says:

    I like how Armando says he: “rolled into town on his last tank of gas bullshit story. FAKE !!!FAKE!!!

    It’s all because of DADDY…DADDY…DADDY

    The Montelongos
    A Culmination of a Hundred Years of Experience
    Determination is part of the DNA make-up of the Montelongo family. It began with Armando, Sr. earning a spot on the Southwest Texas Football Team as a walk-on athlete. Later, he would embark a coaching career at Lanier High School. What’s spectacular about this feat? Armando, Sr. was supporting a wife and young entrepreneurs in the making. It was with this spirit that a quarter of a century ago Armando, Sr. began Montelongo Lumber which is known today as Montelongo Homes and Remodeling.

    Montelongo Homes and Remodeling is synonymous with award-winning excellence. How? By passing down a family tradition of hard work and customer responsiveness to his sons and daughters.



    Rick began working at his father’s lumber company at the age of twelve. By the age of 25, Rick was the manager. Through the family’s leadership and determination, the Montelongo’s survived the tumultuous eighties.

    In 1993 Rick and his wife, Laila, established Montelongo Homes and Remodeling.

    The Montelongo Team consists of:
    Rick Montelongo, President

    Tom Keegan, Vice-President of Operations

    Charles Price, Vice-President of Sales

    Jennifer Schulmeier, Business Manager

    James Womack, Design Representative

    Gilbert Caballero, Architectural Design/Permit Coordinator

    Kristan Welch, Interior Designer/Design Representative

    Roger Norman, Project Manager

    Chris Brown, Project Managers

    Janie Kampschmidt, Design Representative

    Larry Majors, Design Representative

  124. Geena says:

    As a Hispanic, I am outrage that the Montelongo’s drive for success is at the expensive of other Hispanic businesses. This behavior is not only unprofessional but demeaning. Not everything in life is free, yet you demand such services of photographers, contractors and family members by hostile intimidation. I wonder what the trade off is? I am surprised that these contractors allow this lack of respect for a brief few minutes of air time. Your roots are humble as you state and it shows. You have yet to be cultured, respectful and professional. These traits would benefit you greatly. I have humble roots as well. I grew up in SA and worked my way up — all the way to the District. You exhibit certain characteristics that negatively reflect on our culture and such behavior is captured into stereotypical attitudes about Hispanics.

    I think it was travesty to purchased homes on Trinity Street under the pretense that your company would revitalize the area. Reality is~ you purchased these homes for a song and dance, renovated them by intimidation and resold them for a profit to high to be affordable to the tenants. I wonder what happen to these people after you forced them out. Did you continue to be supportive in relocating them or where they forgotten as the camera stop filming?

    BTW, a kid at a construction site does not instill work habits but does create some safety concerns. If you want to instill values, promote education. It is the most important attribute that will make one successful in life.

    My disappointment in your business practices leaves me dismayed to an extent your may never come to realize until you sit and actually watch how you are portrayed on TV. Professional Hispanics struggle to overcome obstacles and stereotyping. Your organization does not relieve these attitudes. I regret the atmosphere that your next generation is being raised in. I suggest you hire professional consultants to establish a level of professional in order to reflect a positive imagine of San Antonians. Until then, I believe the number of hateful critics will continue to rise..

  125. RC says:

    I have a question regarding the purchasers of your properties ability to obtain financing. I have been a mortgage professional for over 14 years and am currently the Vice President of Operations for a large mortgage brokerage firm. Lenders today, HATE flipped property loans and very few of them will even consider financing properties with such short “seller seasoning” on title. In fact, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and FHA all have guidelines stating that they will not offer financing on properties where the seller has held title to the property for less than 90 days. That being said, at the end of each episode, you conveniently neglect to mention how the purchaser will be paying for the property in question. Unless these buyers are paying cash, it is very difficult for them to obtain traditional financing. Thus, simply because someone has signed an offer to purchase does not necessarily mean that the deal actually closed. Instead of taking the great leap of faith as indicated on your show that all properties under contract actually sell, why not be realistic and report the sale after it has actually closed?

  126. SAGE says:


  127. Y.T. says:

    I agree with Sage. I was wondering how Armando started with no money. He used his Father’s money. His business practices remind me of shady business people in all races.

  128. robbed says:

    Ummm, jealous??? Who on earth would be jealous of comments like these..??

    Everyone hates you and deservedly so.

    Im not the only one obviously. No one I know feels this way about me.

    So um, NO. NO jealousy here.

    I am just enjoying a good laugh.

  129. robbed says:

    Oh and I guess that all these fake names your putting up are proof that you are the ones using differenet names to post positive things about yourselves.

    that’s hilarious.

    But very much like you to do.


  130. robbed says:

    32 and still living with mommy and daddy (who beats women in the street) is nothing to be jealous of James….


  131. Sage says:

    Hahah, I think that the positive comments about the montelongos are themselves too! Hahaha, thats funny. They are the only people who love them!

  132. scott vinney says:

    I am extremely jealous of the business your family has created. I attempted to do the real estate investment here in Illinois and I ran my family in the ground. Keep doing a great job, and feel free to give me hints on how to pursue this with the zero dollars that I have in my pocket.

  133. Doug says:

    The flip this house episodes are typical to real estate. My wife and I flip houses in Michigan and we are always having to look out for ourselves. Everyone thinks we are loaded because we are real estate investors. Original bids are always through the roof. One thing that is true though…it is a blast! The communities where we flip are grateful for the work we do and in one instance the city council even gave us a written commendation. Regardless, you are only as good as your drive and your passion and your business skills. This is no business for wimps.

  134. Cheyenne says:

    I hate the show just because i can’t stand Armando I just like Veronica’s Sunglasses, i know they are Ray Bans but i don’t know what kind… anybody know?

  135. DIANY says:

    I love the show!!
    Armando is a jerk but i guess that’s just him.

  136. Lyn says:

    I watch all 3 shows and find all of them entertaining as well as interesting. I’m amazed at all the comments posted most especially the negative ones. Each show has their own special style of how they “flip houses” so if the Montelongo’s style doesn’t suit you then just turn the channel. There’s no reason to be mean and hateful because of a tv show. Think of all our people in Iraq and focus your energy on praying for them. Life is too short for negative energy. As Melina quotes on her email message….”Live with Passion”…..

  137. Hillary says:

    I can’t believe people can say that the Montelongos are greedy. They are just like any corporation in this country trying to make money and increase capital.

  138. Sheilah says:

    Melina – [ay, mija! q jealousy has people! follow ahead all! their show “encourages” to my husband and my to show the people (sabras but to those who) q Latin we to him can make this type of work with same passion q we lived our life! – I do not lie to you, Arming if bleep is bastate “, bleep” (I do not like as I deal with to you with his belittling to you attitude on the color painting q habias chosen), but all we have bad qualidades. God allows q recognizes and can see it q deberia be but compassionate, at least with the q is but the important one in their life (its family)! – Riko and Sheilah, NY (with in same I sound)]

    This thread has been edited by the moderator.  I have translated it using SYSTRAN since I don’t speak or read Spanish.

  139. Sage says:

    The positive comments on here are fakes written by the Montelongos themselves! It is blatently obvious! They are nothing but greedy selfish pigs who swindle other people into house that have real problems covered up! They will get sued out the ass for not disclosing the information that they are supposed to. They are horrible people and will not get very far. What goes around comes around and bites you in the ass!!!!

  140. Kirian says:

    YEAH!! Someone finally agreed that Armondo did not roll into town penniless! HA! Thank GOD Richard and Ginger are BACK!!


  141. bradley says:

    I love your show.Armando kick ass and take names later.You make the show These jelous motherfuckers that write shit about you guys are pathetic.I watch you guys every week.All of you guys are great.Bradley newhampshire

  142. Brittany says:

    All I know is………….. Armando looks like Scott Petterson.

  143. Scott Hurst says:

    After reading all the posts thus far, I find that most are discrediting, confronting, and showing contempt for fellow investors. You wouldnt be reading this forum if you didnt aspire to their greatness. I am a budding investor in San Antonio as well. I have yet to delve into flipping as I do buy and hold, BUT, I do research the Montolongos purchases because I do have intent on taking some of their business one day (Hope you guys aprove, love to watch the show and respect all the Montelongo family for their drive/effort). For instance; the home they got off school rd. Was listed on MLS and bought and profited by the Montelongos. And the one on glenwood ct. was a HUD home for 36.8k, they got with what looked mike a near full price offer minus their 5% realtor fee they probably pocketed. Now with a realized profit of 26k, they busted butt to make this. Sold for 70k, bought for 36K and full renevate for 8k. 44k total investment. 70 -500 (holding costs), minus 3k realtor fee, minus 3k closing costs is 63.5k and minus this from 44k and you get 9.5k, take out your capital gains and your looking at somewhere around 7 thousand. Now, this isnt something to jump up for joy about, but if you can build a successful business with a cookie cutter way to buy these, you got a tv show. :O)

    David/Armando, lets talk..


    Hurst Properties Group

  144. Kirian says:

    bradley wrote:

    I love your show.Armando kick ass and take names later.You make the show These jelous motherfuckers that write shit about you guys are pathetic.I watch you guys every week.All of you guys are great.Bradley newhampshire


  145. Jeremiah says:

    Montelongo family,
    I am a 21 year old from minnesota and I desperately want to get into investing in real estate. I watch your show whenever I get a chance and I take in all the knowledge I can. I am allways online looking for good potential properties to buy and flip and researching new styles and different things that people desire in a home. My credit is the only thing holding me back form being all gung-ho. Any way I was wondering if you guys could give me any inciteful addvise on how to start out and maby be a mentor to me. look forward to hearing from you.

  146. what the? says:

    Man who are these idiots??? I would never want to be associated with people like this, so all you guys who are kissing their asses trying to say how great they are, can HAVE them.

    Stay away from us good people.

  147. Simms says:

    Scott Hurst.. Just looked at your website. Did you just start your business?? You need a lot of help.

  148. Brittany says:

    Why isn’t there any information about The Real Deal on TLC or their website?

  149. Jeremiah says:

    Welcome to the real world.

    You have probly never expierenced HARD work and what it takes to get to the top in this dog eat dog world. sometimes you gotta step on a few toes to make it. so all you jealous people out there that cant recognise business when you see it eat shit and turn off the frickin program, you DONT NEED to watch it. The montelongos have gotten where they are for a reason. So lay off

  150. Yolanda says:

    I live in PST time zone. When is this show on? I would love to see it.

  151. Smarty says:

    Jeremiah wrote:

    Welcome to the real world.

    You have probly never expierenced HARD work and what it takes to get to the top in this dog eat dog world. sometimes you gotta step on a few toes to make it. so all you jealous people out there that cant recognise business when you see it eat shit and turn off the frickin program, you DONT NEED to watch it. The montelongos have gotten where they are for a reason. So lay off


  152. Simms says:


    If you haven’t even seen the show, how do you EVEN KNOW ABOUT THIS POSTING BOARD????????

    come on.

  153. trump says:

    I happen to know for a fact that Melina Montelongo is a first class bitch.

    Enough said.

  154. Casey says:

    trump wrote:

    I happen to know for a fact that Melina Montelongo is a first class bitch.

    Enough said.

    No doubt by the way she comes off on the show that she is 100% bitch.

  155. Joe says:

    David, Veronica, and Melina seem like really wonderful people and I just feel sorry for them that they get treated so poorly by Armando. I can’t believe that he can be successful in business treating his contractors as poorly as he does. As far as Armando being a great negotiator, the contractors aren’t stupid. They just start out double or triple of what they would normally bid because they know Armando will try to get them to do it for half. Its one thing to be tough – its another to treat people without respect. You can be tough without being so disrespectful and condescending. Melina and Vero are beautiful women with great hearts. Its very disheartening to see some of the awful/totally undeserving comments written by some classless/cruel individuals on this web blog. But go on any message board on Yahoo Finance and you’ll see much worse comments (very vulgar) about any CEO of a listed corporation. I’m so glad to see that Melina stopped answering the comments – an action that only served to encourage those classless antagonists. To the Montelongos – I wish you continued success.

  156. trump says:


    I guess you don’t know them personally judging by the fact that you said “they SEEM” like wonderful people. I happen to actually KNOW them. So until you DO actually get to know them… Shut your mouth.

  157. Sylvia Coronado says:

    I second that Trump. All these poster with positive comments are either likely to be friends who have something to gain from it, or just ignorant television viewers.

  158. Trump says:


    Judging by the fact that you say that they “SEEM” like wonderful people suggests that you do not know them personally. So, until you do – as I do – SHUT your mouth. You couldn’t POSSIBLY know ANYTHING about them in reality by watching a stupid television show, unless you know them.

  159. Shelly says:

    What I find fricking hilarious is that Melina actually considers herself a model? WHAT! Has anyone taken a good look at her, has SHE taken a good look at herself? I am not sure about you, but I have never seen a big nosed, frizzy headed supermodel, and we wont anytime soon…

  160. Joe says:

    Hi Trump,
    If you know them personally, what are they really like? Do they make much money with their business?

  161. Joe says:

    Hi Shelly,
    You’ve got to be kidding. Melina’s HOT.

  162. Robin says:

    william p. wrote:

    I feel the show where you guys flipped the whole block did more good than any of the extreme makeover home edition shows.
    What you did in giving the tenants a chance to buy back was great. I personally felt ashamed for those people.
    GOOD JOB!!!

    Are you freaking serious William??? You REALLY think that what that awful company did was better than what Extreme Home Makeover does for people? Extreme Home Makeover gives poor families new houses with high end fixtures, appliances and electronics FOR FREE! They even pay off their existing mortgages sometimes. The Montelongo’s raped and pillaged those poor families on Trinity Street! Sure those houses were in condemnable shape, but it’s all they could afford. I bet the slum lord Montelongo bought them from was charging $200 per month, or so, for rent. What made me the most angry about it was that they were acting like they were doing this great charitable act. They kept talking about “giving back to the community”. I don’t think Armando knows what the word “give” means. It does NOT mean giving the renters “first chance at buyback”. And then he was shocked and angry when 3 of the 5 families could not buy them back. How did he think a family that was living with holes in the wall and broken out windows was going to be able to finance a house?? If the Montelongo family wants to give back to their community, how about doing some volunteer work for Habitat For Humanity?

    Ohhh, and I won’t even get started on the “Roach House”. I’ll just say this….you can’t paint over filth like that. DON”T TRUST ANY HOUSE THE MONTELONGO HOUSE BUYERS HAVE REMODELED!! You never know what is lying in wait under a coat of paint.

  163. Adam says:

    Joe- No Way! She’s short and stubby:(
    and is a ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS!!!!!!

  164. Trump says:

    Joe shmo:

    Well, I’ll tell you what their really like. They are unduly proud,a arrogant, cheap, self serving, religious hipocrites. They will smile and pretend to be your best friend and then as soon as you turn around they are laughing at you and and talking about you behind your back. As for doing any charity work Robin, don’t count on it. If there’s nothing in it for them, they wouldn’t touch it.
    All of these websites that are full of negative comments about these people are proof enough that it’s not just a handful of people that don’t like them. Some don’t even know them and still find them despicable.

    It’s hard to change when your that kind of person, it’s just who they are and I feel sorry for them. All they care about it money. Money doesn’t make you who you are, your soul does. They obviously don’t have one. You can’t take your money with you when you die. My advice? Work on improving your soul… not your bank account.

  165. Trump says:

    Oh yeah, and William:

    You need to check yourself in somewhere. The Homemakeover Show actually cares about those people and they send them on a LOVELY vacation while they are building them a DREAM HOME for FREE!!!! What the hell are you smokin’?

  166. noturfuckingkhakis says:

    I agree. Those two shows are worlds away from each other. I love that Home Maker Show. They are amazingly caring.

  167. kerry says:

    Why are we all wasting any more time of melina’s fat ass frizzy headed self, veronica’s vally girl fakeness, asshole Armondo? Team trademark is back! YEAH!!! No more mexi-melts trying to PROVE themselves! they are worthless!

  168. Jamie says:

    Ok, what I don’t get about Melina is that she wants to flaunt this “rich” attitude, but she is asking for donations and charity on her mommy website? WTH? Go ask Armondo to put some change in our cup homie!

  169. I am a big fan of the show. But what I don’t understand is how Armando Montelongo markets himself and his success as a rags-to-riches kind of story. And then he turns around and sells his secrets to success packet for $997. That is outrageous!!! I wonder if he had $997 to spend on an information packet when he was dead broke, had no job, and $50K in debt.

  170. Brian H. says:

    As a rental property owner I enjoy the ideas that I get from watching the show.
    If you were going to sell the house would you put the same quality fixtures in it that you put in your own home? The name of the game is turning the house for profit.
    What’s wrong with making a little bit of money while giving someone a good deal? People wouldn’t buy the place if they thought it was crap.Quit dogging people who found a way to make money,and get off your ass and find a way to make your own.Lets see if you put travertine floors and gold plated faucets in your houses then you can whine about those cheap fixtures put in by someone else.
    And personaly I think that Melina is an extraordinarily beautiful woman. look at the hand you’ve been dating and tell me there that it could possibly compare.
    Melina don’t sweat the small stuff or small minded people and hang in there.

  171. As a Realtor who just got into flipping, I want to congratulate you guys on your “can do attitude.” I think the houses you buy to flip are always a challenge with a different theme, which is what makes the show a learning tool for me. I have just put together my work crews from following your lead. You share so many go ideas on the show on how to do things that it has flatten my mistake curve to almost none. Oh, and by the way, for the complainers who think your success packet at $997 is too expensive, let them go make a mistake on a building site and let’s see how much that will cost. Expensive? Ask me how much it cost me to get my 4 year degree when I didn’t even have a cent to my name. If you want success you will make it happen no matter what. Keep doing what your doing and count me as a fan. I love you show!

  172. Joe says:

    Well…with success comes jealousy…and there is no shortage of it on this web page.

    I could really care a less about spending my time cutting down someone else. That’s some lame shit right there…you people that are talking shit, and telling them how pathetic their business model is are just jealous. I can be they’ve probably paid more in taxes in the last year then you’ve made in the last 5 years.

    Some of you need to put as much focus into making your own money as you do cutting down other peoples efforts. Stop being a hater, and get a LIFE.

    And Melina drove a great point home…Richard is a joke…seriously. I’ve been into real estate since I was 16, and I’ve had my own company since then…and when I’m 25 years deep into this business…I’ll defnitely have more to show for it than a show where I outshined by a group of people that are 5 years deep.

    The Montelongos do real estate better, period.


  173. Joe says:


    I am a big fan of the show. But what I don’t understand is how Armando Montelongo markets himself and his success as a rags-to-riches kind of story. And then he turns around and sells his secrets to success packet for $997. That is outrageous!!! I wonder if he had $997 to spend on an information packet when he was dead broke, had no job, and $50K in debt.

    Because if you can’t spend a dime to make a dollar…you don’t need to be in this business in the first place.

    In creative real estate investing…there’s countless avenues to invest in ventures that yeild huge to infinite returns…and that’s not worth $1000 bucks to you, me, or anyone else for that matter?

    He’s created a business model that allows him to do more volume than most investors would dream of, and in the easiest fashion possible, and you think 1 grand is out of line? Hell…he’s doing you a favor. One deal pays for his top program 30 times over. That seems like an investment that surely pays dividends.

  174. trump says:

    Well, I can’t speak for the other posters, but don’t you worry your little heads. I make plenty of money. However, I do not step on people to make it, nor do I have to resort to belittling others while underhanding them at the same time. Brain H: Are you Melina… HMmmmmm…
    And Joe: Are you Armondo’s bitch? I think so. And why are you bad mouthing Richard when you just made fun of everyone else for doing that just a few short sentances before that statement.


  175. Michelle says:

    Love the show! Great work! There are jealous viewers on this site who instead of being honest with their feelings, focus on criticizing the show. As the saying goes, misery loves company. Your persistance and perseverance is admirable. Whether the comments on this site are good or bad, they’re still supporting the show’s ratings by watching it. So much success to you and your show.

  176. Ken says:

    To all you asses that want to put down the Montelongo Family and Melina, I think your all full of shit about your negative feed back. I had a million dollar business for about 8yrs. and one day I was watching the show and was impressed with what the Montelongo Family had to teach me and quess what I now have another successful company thanks to the Montelongo Family…Oh! I almost forgot all I did was what the said and it worked, so they must be doing something right.

  177. Ken says:

    I had one more thing to say, maybe if the shit heads that want to post rude comments on this site about the Montelongo family should consider something; like I said in my previous post. All I did was take there advise and I am now onto my second successful company. So, MAYBE SHOULD DO THE SAME AND YOU WOULD BE MAKING MONEY ALSO…….It sure is funny when your making money.

  178. Joe says:

    Armando’s bitch? Nice personal attack there buddy…funny…I didn’t say shit to you. I must have struck a nerve.

    Trump why don’t you come to PA, and I’ll show you how to make real money, haha. What’s worse is that I’m probably young enough to be your kid, hahaha.

    Wow is right. I said Rich is a joke, and I meant it. Badmouthing? Someone is a little sensative aren’t they? I’ll restate what I said…I think I’m better than Richard…it’s my opinion. I think Armando is better than Richard…again, it’s my opinion.

  179. R.Stevens says:

    First hats off to the Montelongos although I do think the work they do is cheap and Armando comes off as an A-hole thats who he is the world is full of them,Melina is hot and ill still watch.

  180. Gin says:

    Richard Davis has more class and intelligence in his little finger than all of the Montelongo clan combined. I don’t watch any of A&Es programs at all anymore. 90% of the programming is mindless drivel.

  181. David S. says:

    WOW!!!! There’s a lot of broke and jealous people out there
    I find the show very entertaining and informative and it doesn’t hurt that Melina is smoking hot…. as far as Armando being an a** hole that’s probably right… but that’s what it takes to get things done if people don’t like it to bad

  182. I am a huge fan of Flip This House and I enjoy watching the Montelongos. However, Some of these comments are true. Armando can be harsh at times. He is a good business, but I think the company could grow even faster and be more successful with a little realization that understanding “HR” dynamics can eventually make or break an organization. Melina just keep standing up for yourself and doing a great job for yourself. It’s great to want to prove something but do it for yourself. How many people do you know that can provide A1 marketing with $0. Veronica is awesome too but can allow her great ideas to be overlooked by Armando. David hang in there! If we could combine the best parts of Armando and David to make a new Montelongo, you’d have an unstoppable force. Maybe the next generation of Montelongos can make this thing perfect. Until then, keep trying to make the best of every flip, every venture. Love you guys! Armando good luck with the book, David good luck with T.R.I.B.E. Melinda good luck with modeling. Veronica, good luck with being the glue that holds everything together. Peace, love and success!

  183. cathy says:

    first of all i would like to say i love the show…i get great decorating for armando/david they are as proffesional as they can be…along with veronica/melina…they all do a good job…people may be mad or jealous, cause didnt come up with a good idea…they are trying to make a living/put food on the table..too…keep up the good work/i will continue to watch the show…i put the fiesta parade off to watch the show tonight….once again keep breaking down walls to put a new fondation up….cat

  184. Chip says:

    Bashers always = burger flipping pimple popping losers with no ambition and will always be a whining employ their whole life because they are jealous of those who have the balls to go into business for themselves.

  185. Jessica says:

    How long have ya’ll been in real estate and what made ya’ll do this tv.

  186. doctorsid says:

    You guys that are bashing the show are exactly why it is such a great hit. If you dont like it dont watch it, but apparently you watch it enough to know enough as to haw to bash it. The show beats the crap out of most stuff on TV these days.

  187. HockeyMom says:

    Melina – I’ve read all of the posts and everybody has their owm opinion and outlook. Only one thing bugs me thou…on top in your Seek Actor ad I noticed under your name signature saying “Live With Passion”…that is Tony Robbins Signature Saying that he uses in his seminars and in his Cd’s….as a huge Tony fan I guess you and your family learned from the best just like me. I myself thank Tony for teaching me how to be a success.

  188. Gene says:


    “AR man DOH”!

    Melina the WELFARE whore


  189. trump says:

    Hey Chip… I’m the president of my own company… what do YOU do?

  190. dave says:

    I loved how the Montelongo’s took that rat dung filled, moldy house on Bob White and covered it up with paint and new carpet during a 2 week budget rehab-hack, then used several feet of waste-wood mulch for landfill and covered it with a few inches of top-soil to hide it. That will look great after a heavy rain and the termites move in and the backyard sinks 2 feet. So do you folks feel good about yourselves when screwing home buyers over like this? Thank God I not looking to buy a house in San Antonio, TX.

  191. Jon2565 says:

    Good Lord, people need to relax!!! It’s just a show!!! If you don’t like it, turn the channel!!! The Montelongos have found success in real estate investing/flipping houses. Good for them. Anyone with drive and ambition can accomplish the same thing!!! Obviously the family has superior business sense. And like Melina said, if the buyers aren’t happy with the quality of the flip, they don’t have to buy! It’s that simple.

  192. David S. says:

    Wow!!!!! I purchased that property

  193. Do It Right says:

    The only way people are making fortunes in Texas on properties is because of the the misfortunate way they treat the contractors/laborers. And unfortunately most of these shady contractors are in business because of greedy investors. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR ! The reason you can buy a massive house in Texas with a big yard for cheap is because the homes are built poorly and cheap, and the builders and contractors are hiring illegal mexicans (who have never even touched a hammer and nails) who dont give a fuck about the qulity of the home. There just trying to feed there family on there shitty wage. It’s not there fault, its the Biulders and contractors. The only one who wins for now is the Investor/Builder, however in the long run that will bite them in the ass especially with the show now. As for the immigrants who work on the homes, there getting fucked, but they dont have the education, knowledge, or guidance to point them in the right direction to better work and bosses. And the buyer gets fucked as well, they get a pile of shit with pretty icing, but thats there fualt for being stupid. Be smart, buy the house and fix it yourself. The Montelongos are smart when it comes to making money(thats business)even though I disagree with many of there projects. Trademark does a much better job and hires American Citizens who do an honest job, because they have to otherwise the Laws will fuck them as they should. Illegal citizens don’t have to wory about lawsuits.

    Do it Right and make money=Trademark
    Get it done and make money=Montelongo

    Positive Concious-Trademark
    Guilty Concious-Montelongo

    Armando does a shit job, his brother is very respectful and does a great quality job, thats why he was smart and left.

  194. Deb B says:

    I’ve been watching Flip This House for awhile. I like the Montelongo’s better than any of the others. Armando is who he is, a guy trying to cut out his part of the American dream. He may be a little cocky but that is his personality and it works for him. David seems more quiet so he is a good buffer for his brother so they work well together. Their wives are very lovely and entertaining on the show. I think the Montelongo’s should have gotten their own show.

  195. Armondo makes me cringe! I am a paramedic/Director of Emergency Response in Bastrop Texas area and I would NEVER treat any one I work with in the manner in which he treats his workers.My first response was to turn off the TV! But I have been bitten by the idea of flipping houses and want to learn from professionals…I love watching Trademark Properties. I will say that the only thing I had seen Trademark do that they should NOT do is not getting permits and telling people to go back to work and PISS OFF the building inspectors! I love the show..but someone needs to make sure the people(“flippers”) are keeping it REAL!

    Cheryl Lassiter
    Volunteer Mobile Emergency Response Unit
    Austin,Texas 78741

  196. Mike says:

    Armando, after watching quite a few of your shows, and especially after watching “The Cat House” episode, why the hell would anyone want to buy a house (or your bullshit tapes) or take advise from a low life, slum investor like you. Your brother was (“IS”) very smart to dump your ass.

  197. LIZ says:

    why did you not come out today?? very disappointed..k mando may not know how to treat people…but i still like the show.. please let me know when you will be back..

  198. seas says:

    Is anyone surprised that it would be an “unpaid” job?? What a cheap jerk. Just like on TV, Armando wants everything for free. Too bad he’ll wind up ruining the show for his brother, sister-in-law & wife. They seem sorta nice.

  199. Steve in Texas says:


    Why would you need ‘extras’ at an auction? Unless of course it was, gasp, scripted and staged? That just doesn’t sound like ‘The Real Deal’ to me ; )

  200. Joe Dirt says:

    Geez, people… It’s TV! It takes them two weeks to remodel a house, and you only get to see 40 minutes of that whole process on each show. What do you think is going to make it onto the show..the vast majority of time where everyone is getting along, or the two or three times where the boss has to insert his foot in someones a$$? The ONLY thing you can be sure of is that the producers of the show are going to make it look as dramatic as they can, and that they aren’t necessarily concerned with making the Montelongos look like model citizens in the process.

    OF COURSE parts of the show are staged! How else do you think they just HAPPENED to stop at the house next door to the cat house? By accident? I have news for you… EVERY REALITY SHOW ON TV…ISN’T REAL. They’re all staged. Why? Cause real life is BORING, and makes for crappy TV.

    My only question is this… How did such a goofy looking dude like Armondo wind up with a hot woman like Veronica? This isn’t a reality show… it’s an inspirational show for goofy looking guys!

    If you don’t like Armondo, change the freaking channel!

  201. Pam says:

    I am so glad Richard and the gang are on
    TLC! I don’t care for the other group. Richard has a heart; that other man is rude to the people who work for him. I had to laugh at the advertisement for the extra…no pay. What a shock!

  202. Bill says:

    U people make me sick, to talk about the Montelongs like this is really sad, but i guess if you are a southern (white)asshole that makes it alright,buy the way Veronica and Melina are beautiful, not like that scab of a woman that ugly ass Ginger is. The Real Deal Sucks. Armondo and David keep it up.

  203. boyson says:

    Scott Hurst wrote:

    …drive/effort). For instance; the home they got off school rd. Was listed on MLS and bought and profited by the Montelongos. And the one on glenwood ct. was a HUD home for 36.8k, they got with what looked mike a near full price offer minus their 5% realtor fee they probably pocketed. Now with a realized profit of 26k, they busted butt to make this. Sold for 70k, bought for 36K and full renevate for 8k. 44k total investment. 70 -500 (holding costs), minus 3k realtor fee, minus 3k closing costs is 63.5k and minus this from 44k and you get 9.5k, take out your capital gains and your looking at somewhere around 7 thousand. Now, this isnt something to jump up for joy about, but if you can build a successful business with a cookie cutter way to buy these, you got a tv show. :O)

    David/Armando, lets talk..

    I hate to break it too you Scott but the Montelongos sold the house on School St for 53,550 NOT 70,000 as they claim. They bought the property on May 6 for 36,550 and finally sold it FIVE months later (Oct, 2006) to an investor in the San Antonio area. You can look it up online Bexar County Clerks office (recorded on book number 12447 page 1104)

    Personally, I would think twice before getting involved with these characters.

  204. kathy says:

    the show is awful. armando is a creep. why that beautiful woman would stay with him is beyond me. except he has money. but so do lots of guys. she needs to find a new one.

  205. Stefano P says:

    I personally think the show is great. Not only do I get to see the ins and outs of flipping a house, but I am entertained at the same time. I cant believe all the people in here making comments about Armando, then turning around and saying disrespectful things about Melina. This family has worked their butts off to build a successful business and they have my respect. As for the casting call, anyone who goes to events such as the Learning Annex should know that all these guys selling their “Do it yourself” books or workshops all have paid actors or regular people working for them. At the end of their speaches they have about 10 or 20 paid people run up to the booths to purchase their books or CD’s, making it look like people actually want to buy it. It’s a selling strategy. It’s actually funny to watch. I’ve been to a few of those and actually saw the same people at several conferences. Anyhow, I think the Montelongo’s are great, Armando does have a hard sense of business, but it’s the way he does it…and I respect it.

  206. boyson says:

    I finished watching the “Bob White auction flip” and once again the Montelongos have lied and deceived the public:

    1) The auction was staged. Melinda place a classified on Craigs list trying to recruit extras for the auction to be held on Sept, 6, 2006.

    2) I could not find any classified or ad for “the real auction” in the “Express News”.

    3) The house was bought on June 23, 2006 – more than TWO months before the auction. Armando said on the show they were to begin construction the next day after the closing AND have it ready in two weeks – just in time for auction day.

    4) According to records at the Bexar County Clerks Office, they paid 90,000 not 65,000 for the property – book 12210 page 2321.

    5) Armando said they had a 2 month loan on the home – meaning they needed to close on Aug. 23, 2006 or pay substantial penalties (read on).

    6) On the show, the house was purchased for 65,000 with 17,000+ in improvements for a total investment of 82,000+ dollars. They sold this at the auction for 135,000 dollars – so we are told.

    7) Actually the house was sold on Oct 26, 2006 to a investor couple in California, (who have also bought several Montelongo properties) for 84,000 dollars – book 12491 page 2467 Bexar County County Clerk records.

    Do the math, they LOST money on the deal!

    If you enjoy manufactured reality, that’s your business.

    However, the Montelongos are using this show to push themselves as house flipping experts by showcasing the success (fake/manufactured/embellished) stories as so to promote their seminars, real estate books, and networking group.

    The facts speak for themselves and I didn’t even mention their construction innovations.

    Does it bother anyone that they spray painted the grass green, used untreated lumber for the outside deck, and spray painted the bathroom tile (as to give it a new look)?

    Do you notice how Armando gleems with joy on how he dupes (victimized) people for his own personal enjoyment? This is not the characteristics of a winner, motivator, or mentor.

    NO, it’s a classless, vile, loser who one day soon, will get payback ten fold and fall hard on his ass.

  207. TJ says:

    Well- Dearest Melina, I hope that in the 6 months since I posted that one comment to you about finding a new line of work, and maybe flipping letters on a game show, that Fate and Fortune has been good to you. Yes, I did compare you to Vanna White- and meant it…You are a beautiful Young Woman, and my comment was not meant to be a joke, but a bit of advice. I did not think your show would last this long, truly. I was a faithful A&E watcher and was angry that Team Trademark was going off air, and why. I can’t be so mean as some of the people who seemed to have been sparked into hateful, nasty banter by your response back to me, but I thought I was being pretty nasty, lmao-! Alas- there are some who take it to new levels, aren’t there? I hope you understand, I am not a hater- just an angry viewer. I did not mean any disrespect- and never will. I will say that there are many interesting comments made about the ethics of Armando’s business tactics. I am not a professional person, however, I have family who do this stuff for a living and certain things are considered very taboo – I pray that things are turning around for him, because I never said I WANTED your show to fail, and I consider it a good sign that a year later the show is still going strong.
    Congratulations. I haven’t watched it though, so I am not going to comment upon any of that business because I do not know. I came here tonight because someone on the Trade Mark message board said that you had been posting back, and it was a hoot! I had no idea that you commented to me personally- I am flattered!
    I do want to say though, I watched in the beginning and did not like your show, because of some of the things Armando did, and the way he acted. I felt that A&E was also taking advantage of the style of your dress, and portraying you and the other young lady in a poor light. I felt that A&E was portraying all Hispanics in a poor light, and do agree with the posts that have said that, respectfully. All the posts that have cursed and belittled and cut down have for the most part been passed over by me tonight- except a few that really got me tickled at how stupid people can be. So, wonderful about your success, and Goddess Bless! I pray your future is as bright or brighter! Blessings- TJ
    I want to

  208. TJ says:

    Oh, Dear- I was trying to say that I want to light a candle for all the poor people who do not know how to speak their grievances without being nasty and hateful- but I think I got cut off, ha ha!
    I will probably get bashed myself, but who cares- they will be entertaining themselves!
    Saying Prayers and Blessings for All…

  209. mememe says:

    melina! youre so lame! if you were a little bit smart you would com up with your own signature instead of stealing tony robbins “live with passion!” you’re FAKE and we ALL can tell!!! and youre not that cute!

  210. BAM says:

    Melina, you’re a painted up hoochie mama, and your husband and brother-in-law are thugs. I’ve read the story of how your husband started your company five years ago after living in your parents’ garage. There’s only two ways to go from bum to millionaire in five years. Either be really lucky, or be really corrupt and dishonest. Armando doesn’t look lucky to me.

    He’s a huckster. All you have to do is see the ads for his real estate investment kit to see it.

  211. BAMS FUNNY! says:

    ..”painted up hoochie mama”.. Well, that’s certainly true.

    That whole family really disgusts me. ALL of them.

    But, you get what you give in this world now don’cha? In due time my friends, in due time…



  213. New Investor says:

    Is the show still on? I have not seen it for several months. Are they part of a lawsuit or something?

  214. Kevin Dunne says:

    I really enjoy watching “Flip this House” with the Montelongos. At first Armondo can be annoying but after a while I actually think he is hilarous. He has passion and I hope to, one day, aspire to his level. This show has made me believe I can do it myself. Keep up the good work Armondo!

  215. nate says:

    this is actually a more realistic example of what you “should” do when flipping a house. richard’s is how you should flip houses when you have your own business. I don’t think that the montelongos intend to defraud, cheat or steal from anyone! that would invite “lawsuits and bad business” which any smart business person should know! as for david leaving the company, that is a personal issue for their company and who knows, maybe he needed time off. regardless, you can learn a few things from watching a family pull together to pull off a flip and if they were on welfare and on the death bed and are now on a national tv program, that is a heck of a lot more then most of us have accomplished. lets give them the benefit of the doubt.. regardless if we don’t like armando. he is still an entertaining character who is teaching you how to flip a home.. “BUY CHEAP! FIX IT CHEAP… SELL IT FOR THE LARGEST PRICE YOU CAN GET!” simple economics!!!

  216. Ruby says:

    Wow! I have spent about ten mins reading the comments about the Montelongo’s and am disgusted about the way you guys are ripping these people apart. The comments about Melina are sickening and as a young woman I am furious. Y’all talk about her as if she were less than human. Although most of the comments are probably from men who beleive that to be true. Threatened, maybe? That such a beautiful woman with some style and confidence can also be successful?! Oh, and that she’s not a whore but rather a devoted wife to her husband and active in their succuss. Sad that in 2007 women are still judged to such a harsh degree. I live not far from SA and watched many of the women mine and Melina’s age load themselves down with kids and a miserable life with no drive. I am the only one of my friends to complete college, as single mother. It is refreshing to watch creative, ambitious women dive into creating their own success. I feel sad for the ignorant people on this site that have nothing better to do than vomit their negative and degrading comments. Change the damn channel people!! We live in a world with 1000 channels at our fingertips. This show is on one channel for an hour a week!! And to Melina and Veronica, do your thing and make us Texas girls proud!!

  217. Jerry says:

    Melina, I love the show .. .it is a reality show and just that …. funny how people always dislike the people that work for their money.

    Good job with the show and remember not everyone dislikes you or your family.

  218. Sarah says:

    I want to let you guys know that I am a faithful fan! Love the show! You all have INSPIRED my husband & I to go into the business here in Houston!!! I was really looking online for Armondo’s book and ran across ALL the nasty comments…OH WELL! You guys keep up the great work! Melina (whore) take your check & laugh all the way to the BANK baby!!! =)Truly, you can not allow yourself to break a sweat on all the little people!

  219. yolanda says:


  220. Janete-Hollywood, FL says:

    Oh my God! Leave these people alone. Are you jealous that the Montelongos are very successful?

    To the Montelongo’s keep up the work. I enjoy your show very much and hope to see more of it in the future. I am a devoted fan as well as my husband, you have inspired our future plans to invest in realty and be as successful as you both. Take care!

    And to the Montelongo’s HATERS, get a life!

  221. Wonderwoman says:

    If you diss it . . . chances are you are probably BROKE.


    Negativity breeds negativism in your life. If you are quick to judge others, you lack courage to take responsibility in your own life.

    This Canadian Flipper loves the show and celebrates each successful flip with the Montelongos.

  222. kd says:

    There is a simple solution to all of this:

    If you like the show – WATCH IT.

    If you don’t like the show – DON’T.

    Oh yeah,

    and Shut up.

  223. Debbie says:

    I love the show. Every company needs an aggresive person to get things done. Of course, I believe Armando takes it to a whole new level sometimes, but who doesn’t have a bad day? I admire the Montelongo’s. They have done what millions want to do…have success in many ways!

  224. jesse camarillo says:

    Melina, THEY WANT REALITY. LET’S GIVE IT TO THEM. Of course they will understand that TV reality has it’s own standards.. and THAT, is the reason THEY will TUNE IN. They will QUESTION and ASK , afterwards…and THAT is WHAT makes THAT…work.

  225. Jerry says:

    I truly believe the show would be much more popular if Armando were toned down a little. His arrogance level is off the charts and viwers just won’t tolerate his treatmentof others. SPEAK WITH YOUR REMOTES. TURN TO SOMETHING ELSE. OR BETTER YET, REFUSE TO BUY THEIR SPONSORS’ PRODUCTS. A&E definitely needs to make a change.

  226. Confused says:

    Where are David and Melina?

  227. John says:

    I find both crews entertaining and inspiring. I applaud what David and Armando have created for themselves, as a self-employed entrepenur myself I know the difficulties and challenges that one can face when in business for oneself. Not only do David and Armando handle themselves professionally but they also maintain a sense of humor. Congrats to both Trademark and the Montelongos. I would do business with either

  228. Marylyn says:

    Dear Melina and the Montelongos – Although I loved Trademark on the first season, I found you guys and loved you too. Folks who like Trademark can go to TLC and those you like you and go to A&E. You, you busband and family really are inspiring, as you are in my same age group. I love real estate, home design, decor, interiors, etc…and would love to get into the industry in the Seattle area. Just seeing you guys kick ass means something to me…. I wish your family the best of luck and don’t let the nasty comments get you down. In life, when you work heard to be a success, there will always be jealous folks out there. I know it’s easier said than done, but try hard to rise above it!

    🙂 -Marylyn in Seattle.
    P.S. try to come to the NW for a seminar!

  229. Dave says:

    I find the Montelongos are a joke in the business world. This must be scripted cause if it wasn’t, Armondo would be constantly getting his butt kicked, for is arrogant attitude.
    The entire Montelongo family could take a page from the real professionals at Team Trademark, Richard and his crew no how to treat people!

  230. John says:

    Want to watch a real show with real people?
    Richard Davis and his crew are the true pro’s!
    The Montelongos are just a bunch of self centered wannabees.
    Who in their right mind would put up with these arrogant clowns?
    Armondo, you are truely a legend in your own mind!
    A&E you have dropped the ball on this one, I refuse to watch the Monte-egos.

  231. Jay says:

    Jealous…Tee hee hee…NOT. Feeling sorry for the pathetic public that actually watches this trash…yes…wish I could see all of you wacking off to this stupid show..PRICELESS!

  232. Denise says:

    Where is David?

  233. Pete M. says:

    Melina Montel-whatever the hell her last name is a hottie, my wife and I watch the show – she watches b/c she loves the houses and me for Melina. Her husband is a dick w/ an attitude that everyone should be subserviant to him and that no one else wants or deserves to make a profit. Painters, plumbers, and final construction clean-up people also want to eat well, buy DVD’s, pay their mortgages, and buy nice things for their children – if you work for the Montelillegals I guess you must be a desperate person. I think the way her husband treats his subs is pathetic and there is no way in hell I’d ever put up w/ his overly gelled, sunglassed wearin’ noggin’ yelling things at me. I’d honestly go to jail if meant I could kick his dick in as he so much deserves such an act of abuse. I painted houses for years and I didn’t do it b/c I was bored – it was b/c I was good at it and could make a living at it. If he wants everything done so cheaply why hasn’t he EVER jumped in and done any of the work? My brother and I flipped three houses in the late 80’s, neither one of us would be too proud today now that we’re comfortable to lay tile, or install cabinets. If he’s so hell bent on getting things done cheaply then do some frickin’ labor Manuel! Just b/c you’re well off financially doesn’t mean you can’t get your hands dirty and a message to all the Montelnegros – Even if one is wealthy, civility and friendliness doesn’t cost you a dime!

  234. Pete M. says:

    Oh yeah I almost forgot. I recently watched an episode – one of the newer ones I’m sure. Where is Armondo’s brother? Wasn’t he the one that got upset on an episode w/ how his brother Armondo was treating people? Yep, that’s right. GEE did he realize his brother is low class and go off to do it his own way? With a little class, integrity, and some character? I certainly hope so. Hey Armondo, after watching how you treat your family, I’m sure your son will grow up to be just like you, verbally abusive, an esteem wrecker to his wife and oh yeah let’s not forget an absentee father. Sorry Melina you’re right t.v. doesn’t show people how they really are – I’m sure your husband is the money obsessed freak the editors make him out to be…I’m sure he has quality time with child #1 & #2.

  235. James says:

    Armando personifies everything WRONG with a business man. You can’t treat people like dirt….he has absolutely no respect for others. I was only able to watch 2 shows before being turned off. He should watch Jim Davis and learn something. Nothing wrong with demanding great work/performance when you’re compassionate and show respect. (Armando’s brother seems like a great guy, though)

  236. joe G. says:

    it is so typical of white southerners to bad mouth and ridicule a minority for being successful, and wealthy. it just eats at your skin doesn’t it? point is, we don’t care what you all think. the montelangos are on t.v. and your not. we minorities have just as much right to earn a living as do white americans. i don’t much care for richards personality but the man knows how to make money. as far as trademark properties goes, they’ve been at it alot longer. richard is a determined man. i did notice that there are no minorities on the team. that won’t work here in texas.

  237. joe G. says:

    sounds like pete M. needs a pick-me-up-flower arraingement. dude, take a deep breath and then change the channel, maybe to the lifetime channel, it’s less stressful.

  238. Jordan says:

    The Montelongo family has been a great influence on me as far as thinking on flipping house on my own. They are a hardworking family that succeed through hard work and determination and wise dissension making. Armondo and David make a great team along with there wives, these are smart people who did and still do there homework. They may have people behind the scenes that you don’t see on TV but that because the show doesn’t focus on those factors. When I saw the last episode on A&E they were buying an office building that had 30,000 sq ft, ok what does that tell you? Maybe they got it right, that building has big potential for money plus using it as there office on top of it $$$$. Weather there Mexican or not is not the issue, its hustle-hustle-hustle in this world to get anywhere, just remember the truth of the matter is in the outcome so you be the judge. I think that speaks for itself…

  239. Aturd says:

    Jordan, you are an idiot. It’s television. Learn to spell..

  240. Mag says:

    Isn’t Carlos on Trademark Properties Mexican??? I am a southern white girl and I do believe there are minorities who work way harder then whites. My husbands family worked hard to get here from Asia and ended up owning their own business.

  241. Marcia says:

    Where is David?

  242. Armondo says:

    Buy them low and sell them high… Don’t forget to pay the labor the lowest possible wages and treat them like dirt.

  243. Dan F says:

    It’s got nothing to do with the Motelongos being a minority you moron, They are arrogant jack asses. Unfortunately egomaniac jack asses come from every race and color. Stop making race excuses for people. Being a minority does not give you the right to be a jerk any more than being white does.
    You reap what you sew and sooner or later Armondo the ego will self destruct.
    Hopefully before he damages his children for good.
    And Trademark does employ minorities and locals where ever they go, the difference is they treat them with respect and pay them well, Richard makes sure everyone makes money on the job!

  244. Juan M says:

    I am a minority and I am embarrassed to be put into the same catagorey as the montelongos.
    I wouldn’t work for those A-holes for anything!
    Please don’t lump us all together.
    I am a proud Hispanic man, Armondo and his family are an embarrassment to our race and our culture!

  245. joe G. says:

    carlos is not an employee of trademark. he is a contractor.

  246. RayMass says:

    I’ll admit I don’t know the “Montelongo family” from a hole in the wall. Who the hell does?

    And yet, Jordan says stuff like “[T]he Montelongo family has been a great influence on me as far as thinking on flipping house on my own?” What? You were influenced from which episode?

    It sounds like a crock. None of it seems genuine. Is it me or does every post supporting these Montelongos, (whoever they are) apart from the posts from Melina herself (early on in this string), seem like a complete stooge post, a sham–a shill?

    I suspect you guys are arguing with ghosts.

    Carry on if you must.

  247. joe G. says:

    but it has everything to do with race dan f, you just can’t face reality. i’m not advocating change in peoples hearts, racism will alway exsist in humans and animals. most white anglos see minorities as sub-human, inferior. armando is arrogant and cocky, so what. richard of trademark is identical. but you are more tollerible of it from richard.

  248. joe G. says:

    as for juan M, being embarressed for your race on the actions of a few shows your lack of identity. if you are truely proud of your race, then perhaps a little understanding of the big picture. hispanics do possess intellegence and drive to be successful. yes armando is an asshole. i’m sure he’s heard that all his life. we’re not asking you to go work for him. the point i am trying to make is to give everyone their proper due on the results of their hard work, not their personality.

  249. Jorge E. says:

    Great show Montelongos!! And for all you HATERS get off your ASS and start making some money instead of envying them! And about armando being an asshole that’s just part of the buisness.You can’t be nice in the buisness of REI you have to be AGGRESSIVE,AMBITIOUS AND A GO GETTER ATTITUDE FOR SUCCESS.NICE WORK MONTELONGOS.

    Jorge Espinoza
    Real Estate Investments
    Long Beach,California

  250. Jorge E. says:

    Juan M wrote:

    I am a minority and I am embarrassed to be put into the same catagorey as the montelongos.
    I wouldn’t work for those A-holes for anything!
    Please don’t lump us all together.
    I am a proud Hispanic man, Armondo and his family are an embarrassment to our race and our culture!

    (LOL) I think your an embarrassment to our race and culture for not even knowing how to spell Armando.DIDN’T SCHOOL TEACH YOU BETTER THAN THAT!

  251. Fred T says:

    I enjoy watching the Montelongos and the inspiration they have given to those with a dream. I wish them well.

  252. Mike Voss says:

    Yeah, well Bonnie and Clyde inspired a lot of people too….for a while…

  253. Carlos D says:

    Hey Jorge E, what a fruity name by the way,
    Who cares if Juan made a typo, Maybe you should get out from under ARMANDO’S desk because the lack of air combined with your mouth full for too long has made your brain numb.

  254. mike says:

    i just watch the real deal……..then i check out the flip when it comes back on later that night if this bunch is on i find something else to watch

  255. Cari says:

    I think you respond to all these negative comments very professionally and ethically… in other words with class. Its just unfortunate that people have to downgrade others to make themsleves feel better. Your family is obviously very successful and you dont have to prove anything to anyone. I like the show and wish you all continued success.

  256. Vince says:

    Sounds like a bunch of Haters!
    Reminds me of crabs, they keep pulling at
    the crab trying to crawl out..

  257. Marie says:

    I think the show is great. And if any of you think that a reality show is reality, then you need to think again. I think the show is great the way it is, and they “act” they way they do because they are TOLD to “act” that way! And like many have said, you don’t like what you are watching change it. In recent years they have even come up with these great things called remotes so you don’t have to move off of your couch to do it!! So, as the Nike ad says, JUST DO IT!!

  258. Jorge E. says:

    Carlos D wrote:

    Hey Jorge E, what a fruity name by the way,
    Who cares if Juan made a typo, Maybe you should get out from under ARMANDO’S desk because the lack of air combined with your mouth full for too long has made your brain numb.

    Posted on 26-Jul-07 at 11:38 am | Permalink

    Carlos D, Sound’s like you have your head shubbed so deep in juan’s ass that your here backing him up.Is he your boyfriend? You should really get off your ass and start making some money instead of laying all day there with JUAN in bed. STOP ENVYING BUDDY AND MAKE SOME MONEY AND THEN YOU CAN LAY ALL DAY WITH JUAN IN HAWAII OR CANCUN.”FIRST MONEY THEN PLEASURE” FAGG

  259. Joseph says:

    The Montelongo crew, keep doing what you are doing and don’t mind the haters here. I have been watching your show and the Trademark Properties show for 2 years. I also flip in the Baltimore area. I made close to $400k in 2 years flipping, I have never been a able to do a no money flip, can you tell me how you did that and also how did you start yout mortgage business? Do you fund the buyers as well?

  260. Brendan says:


    Professional Opportunity!

    Take the following steps:

    1./ Watch ANY episode of this show
    2./ Note corners cut, permits not drawn
    3./ Contact “grateful” homeowner
    4./ Compare notes

    The reason the Montelongo’s haven’t been sued is because their niche buyer can’t afford cable and internet access. There’s no time for TV when you’re working 2.5 jobs. Even if a buyer sees the show in which their home was “fixed”, they wouldn’t have the money to hire an attorney.

    One or more attorneys need to make this a pet project. Get this investigation started and bring these schiesters to justice. Perhaps a class action suit.

    Be an American Hero. Represent these disadvantaged homeowners and send a message to people who operate like Armando.

    As a matter of fact, invite TV cameras to follow you through the fact finding. Return to the houses and interview the people who have been lied to. Catch up with old sub-contractors too. I’m sure they have a story or two to tell plus some unpaid balances.

    Maybe CourtTV would be interested in the reality series:

    “Sue this Contractor”

    Now that’s a show I’d tune in to!

    We all want to see these people get what they have coming.

    ATTORNEYS: Make millions while you do the right thing! Make millions for the people who bought these lemons too!!

    Just a thought.

  261. Brendan says:

    I think joseph 262 IS a montelongo. No one could really empathize with these bottomfeeders. If you disagree you must of checked your soul at the door.

  262. Brendan says:

    Hey Armando? Why were you wide awake when the clock struck midnight on April 15th, 2007? Inexplicable cold sweats? Isn’t that the day MOST Americans settle up with Uncle Sam?

    Couldn’t sleep for some reason? Wondering if you “went to far” this year with some of those write-off’s? Your accountant won’t be taking the fall on this one.

    Stripes add a few pounds. If the cameras follow you to prison, now is the time to slim down.

    And how do I know you couldn’t sleep on April 15th? Because you posted comments 172 through 175 that night all within 40 minutes of each other.

    Are we to believe a rental property owner a Realtor and an outraged, average Joe wrote in within an hour’s time when other posts take days?

    Ana Lee McIntosh? (
    Has anyone ever seen that spelling before?)

    Was your wife over your shoulder helping you to spell and make sentences?

    All that commentary has a strikingly elemantary style.

    Pretty curious.

    WEBMASTER….Did 172, 173, 174 & 175 come from the same ip address?

    I’d love to know.

  263. Brendan says:




  264. alex says:

    I think everyone who is against Armando is wrong. business is business. His way of making money is making you watch his show. yeah richard davis has an point on him over armando but everyone has their own style, Richard shares his wealth and success with others, and Armando takes what he wants , that is a Hustler, Where he came form and how he lived before his wealth is that of a hustler. he takes what he wants and is selfish about it. THAT IS WHAT MAKES A SUCCESS PERSON. Im sure that Richard was the same when he first started. we have to think of ourselves first before we can think of others.

  265. James says:

    I cant believe the comments posted here about Armando. Listen you just dont understand the man. He is supporting his family and reaching the American Dream, as easy as it is to acomplish … some folks do need videos and help tapes. Yeah i agree Trademark is top notch and hes been doing it for a decade longer. Damn ! he better have a helicopter. Take all the people who have accomplished financial success and guess what ? There all the same breed, high strung and confident. And his wife is pretty damn hot !

  266. Sandy says:

    Love your show and look forward to Tvoing it every time. Keep up the great work and I look forward to new and exciting shows.

  267. tadeh1104 says:

    Loved the first season of this show with Trademark, can’t watch it with Armando & the others on it now, mostly because Armando is so annoying. The “cat house” episode where he was flipping out and smashing the cabinets with that stupid look on his face was ridiculous. He’s one of those self-absorbed idiots who thinks he has to be “stressed” to be important. He creates this so-called stress for himself, maybe he thinks it makes good tv. Really it’s just boring and seems very contrived and fake. Hopefully the producers will find someone better for the next round of shows.

  268. Julie Harmon says:

    I love the “Cat House” episode. To think that Armondo was bragging that he got the house for only $55K sight unseen. He sure got what he deserved with the cats, rats, and roaches. And the topping was the broken pipes. I really can’t imagine anyone ever buying that property even after that flip if they saw the show.

  269. Yourmom says:

    I can believe some of you are getting so worked up over a television show.

    When you were kids, did you call Bugs Bunny all sorts of derogatory names and slurs because he was the star of the show and always made Daffy Duck look bad? Did you write him letters about how he’s a fake and stuff? Who cares if Armondo didn’t really roll in on his last tank of gas. That’s TV, that’s drama, that’s why you watch the show. If you’re watching because you want to learn how to flip houses, you’re an idiot. Some of you armchair lawyers need to get a new hobby.

  270. James says:

    I also enjoy the Montelongo’s on the show. I think as much as we would love to hate on Armando, he is doing what anyone in the same position would do. Don’t hate on something that everyone in America would love to do (make money) and being your own BOSS!!!
    From an Investor/Flipperr in California.

  271. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ says:

    I haven’t read all of the comments, basically cuz there’s a ton of them, but I did skim and didn’t notice anyone else comment on one thing I noticed the Montelongos have done- they went from driving F150s and Explorers to Hummers and Benzs. Fucking egos on these guys. Armondos a prick, plain and simple. David seems like a decent guy. Poor Veronica, I feel for you woman

  272. RE INVESTOR says:

    I’d like to hear from someone that’s been talking with the “Armando’s Flip and Grow Rich Program”
    They want $5,540.00 for mentoring services for a year. I enjoy the Montelongo’s show. I’ve had 4 different people from this place call me in the past month nad seem shocked when I tell them I’m talked with someone else. I pulled the company, “Premier Mentoring, Inc.” up on the better busines bureau website and found an “UNSATISFACTORY” rating. A total of 76 complaints in the past 36 months and 44 of them were closed within the past year.

    Take a good hard look at the Better Business Bureau information before you make any deals with anyone. It might just save you a whole lot of money. It sure did me.

  273. louis says:

    To the Montelongo’s its great that you are sucessful, but I would love to say what people don’t understand is that eighty percent of sucessful businesses in America are managed by hispanics. I am a general contractor from Houston and I run a sucessful remodeling company. I deal with one hundred to two hundred thousand dollar projects and if I was flipping houses which I have done before I would not use the same trades on my custom jobs as I would on a quick flip. May I add you have custom carpenters and you have track home carpenters your carpenters are track home carpenters and when it all comes down to it flipping houses is about money. So, we can all complain and holler but, the Montelongo’s are MILLIONERS and we’re NOT!!!

  274. Pam says:

    Hey guys, give it up!!! You do not have the class nor the professionalism of Trademark!

  275. yosoyway says:

    I just watch to see Armando’s wife. She is a hot MILF.

  276. johnnyboy says:

    I agree assmondo has a hot wife. Also is it true about assmondo losing or almost losing some homes to foreclosure?

  277. Sheila says:

    I agree with everybody else. Armando is sooo rude to everyone. He needs to go to anger mangement classes. He needs to see how TEAM Trademark Properties do it.

  278. melina montelongo says:

    Thanks for your support.

  279. Lollyg says:

    Melina, Veronica, David & Armondo: I am a Texan and my dad lived in SA until he passed two years ago. It’s a wonderful Texas city. Although I have never lived there, I know it’s predominately Hispanic. I am also part Hispanic on my mother’s side. You guys are all so attractive and young. You have a responsibility to be a GOOD example to Hispanic children (and to represent Ameriacn Hispanics to the rest of the country). Armondo,you MUST STOP acting as an immature, rotten, spoiled brat – running off contractors when you “lose it”, cursing, throwing and breaking things and taking advantage of poor workers that need any job to feed their families. I realize this is a tv show but it’s watched by people from all over the country. Your “bad boy” behavior is overly-obnoxious and totally unnecessary. Your brother doesn’t seem anything like you – I have seen him treat people with respect no matter who they were. He is quiet but seems to get things done effectively. You blow things out of proportion for NO reason. Many of us would like to see you portray yourself as an intelligent, respectful, controlled man who is a WINNER – someone to be looked up to. If you’re not that man – get off the air and keep doing what you’re doing. You’ll still make money but won’t be an embarrassment to Hispanics and Texans. By changing your bad boy behavior, you’ll show ALL Americans that we, Hispanics, are just are normal Americans – NOT different. When your son grows up and watches your episodes he’ll be proud of you and HOW you accomplished a successful life. I’m assuming you want your son to grow up to be respectful, responsible and be successful himself.
    I was very proud to see a Hispanic on a tv show because there are so few these days but the more I watch your show, the less I think of you. You have a beautiful wife and son – be a good example for your family. CALM DOWN. God has blessed all of you – you don’t have to be a “hard-ass” to be successful. Good luck to all of you.

  280. AJ says:

    Alright- I’ve skipped over most of these comments because most have nothing constructive to say. Insults are easy to give by armchair critics and a complete waste of time.

    I’d agree that Armando is often too harsh. But- people do what works for them, and I don’t have to be around him. I’m a painter, and I wouldn’t work for him. If this is really who Armando is, give Veronica lots of credit for taking him on! I always hope some of it is simply the producers enhancing the stress for dramatic effect. My husband and I do watch the show when we can, but as with ANY show- we would do things differently if it were us. But it’s not us, is it? If I don’t find it interesting, or someone’s being offensive, I have the free-will to turn off the tv & get on with my own life, and I often do!

    One thing that does rub me the wrong way is the cameras in Armando & Veronica’s bed/beth/closet, because the more the camera shows up there, the less real it becomes. I mean, most people don’t live with a cameraman in their closet, right? A bit too staged. On vacation? Leave the camera-guy at home. Don’t sacrifice your privacy for our sake, we don’t WANT full access to your lives, really!

    Melina- don’t bother responding to insults. The people who feel free to insult others (and this refers to anyone) have issues of their own to deal with. If someone has useful ideas that bring something better to you, even if it’s constructive criticism- then great. But for those who insult you- they’re not worth the effort of a reply. Also, when people swear, it shows they don’t have a cache of more intelligent words to use. To be taken seriously, use proper grammar, please. (And in the same manner, once any of your team insults someone-, on tv or otherwise, you lose your credibility too.) So step back, take a deep breath, and rise above it all. Congratulations on your successes, the ones the viewers see, and the ones they don’t!

  281. eve says:

    What these people your recruiting for extra work, probably doesn”t no that extras don”t make any money well they”ll probably sign off for 1 dollar as it”s Montelongo company seeking these people, wonder if your going to keep these people with food & water as it can run 12 hours or more, & good luck if they think their(extras) are going to be noticed hahahahah

  282. eve says:

    Look you people are a bunch of haters, if you don”t like these people don”t F#$^*@# watch them, thats the wonderful choice we have as humans we can change the channel IT”s CALLED A CONVERTOR…you should try it if your going to bring negitive energy to your home because your pissed that these people are stars of their own show & they get paid as stars too!

    Kudos to MONTELONGO team

    Eve fr:Toronto,Ontario,Canada

  283. Lisa says:

    I can’t believe how mean and judgmental some of the comments on here are. The Montelongos let us into their lives and tried to share how we can become as successful as they are. I think Melina and Veronica are very beautiful women inside and out. You people have no right to put them down and say the nasty things you have said about them. As far as Armando goes, he is a Business Man. Him and David were running a business together along with their wives. If you are not firm in your business dealings you can get taken advantage of. It is sad to me that this family doesn’t work together anymore. I hope that they are still on good terms outside of the business. I pray that they are successful in whatever paths they are walking in now.

  284. John Adams says:

    I watched the 2/1912 edition of FTH. My first impression was, I wish that Armando would dial-back some of the macho, and I’m the boss in this marriage. I did like the “real” side of Melina. Showing a “work-in-progress” learning curve, while on TV, is not a bad thing. Awkward maybe, but that came from the over-confidence of an A personality, who was once a depressed individual. Melina is the better-half, and if I never see another show with them in it, I hope that Armando evolves, into a better listener, and hears that his wife is a great person.

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